object InherenceTryout extends App {
import someimpl._
val list = List(SomeImpl("A"), SomeImpl("B"))
val result = new SomeHandler().handleBaseList(list)
println("%s->%s" format (list, result))
package base {
// Defines that a 'Base' object can create a new
// 'Base' object where another 'Base' object is mixed in
// Does not define how the mixing will take place
trait Base {
def mix(other: Base): Base
// Defines how a default 'Base' object gets mixed into a list of 'Base' objects
trait BaseHandler {
def defaultBase: Base
def handleBaseList(list: List[Base]): List[Base] = list.map(b => b.mix(defaultBase))
package someimpl {
import base._
// Some implementation of 'Base'
// Defines how a new 'SomeImpl' object is created by mixing in another
// 'SomeImpl' object
// class SomeImpl needs to be abstract, since method mix in trait Base of type (other: base.Base)base.Base is not defined
// (Note that base.Base does not match someimpl.SomeImpl: class SomeImpl in
// package someimpl is a subclass of trait Base in package base, but method parameter types must match exactly.)
case class SomeImpl(id: String) extends Base {
def mix(other: SomeImpl): SomeImpl = SomeImpl("[%s|%s]" format (id, other.id))
// Defines the default 'SomeImpl' object
class SomeHandler extends BaseHandler {
def defaultBase = SomeImpl("D")