*Edit: Per my comment below, I guess a better question would be, 'What would the proper way be to have mechanize go through each url and update its name column? (each name would be unique to the url)' Below is what I've been basing my exercise on. *
I have a postgres table that goes like... | name (string) | url (text) |
The url column is already populated with various url's and appears like this one: http://www.a4apps.com/Websites/SampleCalendar/tabid/89/ctl/Register/Default.aspx
I am trying to run a mechanize rake task that will run through each url and update the name based on the text it finds at a css tag.
namespace :db do
desc "Fetch css from db urls"
task :fetch_css => :environment do
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
require 'open-uri'
agent = Mechanize.new
url = Mytable.pluck(:url)
agent.page.search('#dnn_ctr444_ContentPane').each do |item|
name = item.css('.EventNextPrev:nth-child(1) a').text
Mytable.update(:name => name)
When I run the rake task it returns:
rake aborted!
bad URI(is not URI?): %255B%2522http://www.a4apps.com/Websites/SampleCalendar/tabid/89/Default.aspx%2522,%2520%2522http://www.a4apps.com/Websites/SampleCalendar/tabid/89/ctl/Privacy/Default.aspx%2522,%2520%2522http://www.a4apps.com/Websites/SampleCalendar/tabid/89/ctl/Terms/Default.aspx%2522,%2520%2522http://www.a4apps.com/Websites/SampleCalendar/tabid/89/ctl/Register/Default.aspx%2522%255D
Thanks for any help. If there's any way I can make the question easier to answer, please let me know. Mike