おそらくまだ宣言されていない変数に値を渡そうとしています。メインのソース クラスから別のクラスにいくつかの値を与えていますが、後で値がなくなったように見えます。
server.java (メイン):
public class server {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//Print a simple message to the user to notify there is something going on...
System.out.println("Starting server, please wait...");
//Connecting all class files to the server.
filehandler filehandlerclass = new filehandler();
networking networkingclass = new networking();
//End of class files connecting.
//Preparing the filehandler's file information to open a new filestream.
filehandlerclass.filetohandlename = "server";
filehandlerclass.filetohandleextention = "ini";
filehandlerclass.filetohandlepath = "configs\\";
//Request a new filestream using the filehandler's file variables.
filehandlerclass.openfilestream(filehandlerclass.filestream, filehandlerclass.filetohandle);
//Checks if the filehandler has tried to open a filestream.
if(filehandlerclass.filestreamopen == true) {
//Request a check if the filestream was opened sucessfully.
//If the filehandler has not tried to open a filestream...
else {
System.out.println("Error: The filehandler does not seem to have tried to open a filoestream yet.");
System.out.println("A possibility is that the server could not call the method from the filehandler properly.");
//Checks if the boolean "filestreamexists" from the filehandlerclass is true.
if(filehandlerclass.filestreamexists(filehandlerclass.filestream) == true) {
//The filestream seems to exist, let's read the file and extract it's information.
else {
filehandlerclass.openfilestream(filehandlerclass.filestream, filehandlerclass.filetohandle);
//Imports the java.io library so the filehandler can read and write to text files.
import java.io.*;
public class filehandler {
//Variables for the filehandler class.
public String filetohandlename;
public String filetohandleextention;
public String filetohandlefullname = filetohandlename + "." + filetohandleextention;
public String filetohandlepath;
public String filetohandle = filetohandlepath + filetohandlefullname;
//Boolean that is true if the filehandler's "openfilestream"-method has tried to open a filestream.
//Is false as long as none filestreams have been touched.
public boolean filestreamopen = false;
//Declares a variable for the filestream to access text files.
public File filestream;
//End of variable list.
//Called to open a filestream so the server can load properties from text files.
public void openfilestream(File filestream, String filetohandle) {
//Tell the user that a filestream is about to be opened.
System.out.println("Opening filestream for \"" + filetohandlefullname + "\"...");
//Open a filestream called "filestream" using the variable "filetohandle"'s value
//as information about wich file to open the filestream for.
filestream = new File(filetohandle);
//Turn the boolean "filestreamopen" to true so next time the server checks it's
//value, it knows if the filehandler has tried to open a filestream.
filestreamopen = true;
//Boolean that checks if the filestream exists.
public boolean filestreamexists(File filestream) {
//Tell the user that a check on the filestream is going on.
System.out.println("Checking if filestream for \"" + filetohandlefullname + "\" exists...");
//If the filestream exists...
if(filestream.exists()) {
//Tell the user that the filestream exists.
System.out.println("Filestream for \"" + filetohandlefullname + "\" exists!");
//Make the boolean's value positive.
return true;
//If the filestream does not exist...
else {
//Tell the user that the filestream does not exist.
System.out.println("Filestream for \"" + filetohandlefullname + "\" does not exist!");
//Make the boolean's value negative.
return false;
//Called to read files and collect it's information.
public void readfile(File filestream) {
//Checks if the file that is going to be read is a configuration file.
if(filetohandleextention == "ini") {
//Tell the user that a configuration file is going to be read.
System.out.println("Extracting information from the configuration file \"" + filetohandle + "\".");
public class networking {
server.java はソース ファイルにコマンドを提供し、何をすべきかを伝えます。server.java がコマンドを与えない限り、ソース ファイルは単独では動作しません。このようにして、server.java に単純な関数呼び出しを記述して、さまざまなソース ファイルからより多くのタスクを実行できるようにすることを計画しています。
server.java は、変数が宣言される前に変数 "filetohandlename"、"filetohandleextention"、および "filetohandlepath" を渡すようであり、変数が宣言されると、値として "null" で宣言されます。
変数の値を受け取る方法を作成できるかどうか、または別のより適切な方法があるかどうかを知っている人はいますか? おそらく、server.java で変数の配列を作成し、その配列から値を収集できますか?