<xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"
xmlns:my="my:my" exclude-result-prefixes="my xs">
<xsl:output omit-xml-declaration="yes" indent="yes"/>
<xsl:template match="node()|@*">
<xsl:apply-templates select="node()|@*"/>
<xsl:template match="text()[matches(., '\\x(\d|[a-f])+')]">
<xsl:analyze-string select="." regex="\\x(\d|[a-f])+" >
<xsl:value-of select=
"codepoints-to-string(my:hex2dec(substring(.,3), 0))"/>
<xsl:value-of select="."/>
<xsl:function name="my:hex2dec" as="xs:integer">
<xsl:param name="pStr" as="xs:string"/>
<xsl:param name="pAccum" as="xs:integer"/>
<xsl:sequence select=
then $pAccum
for $char in substring($pStr, 1, 1),
$code in
if($char ge '0' and $char le '9')
then xs:integer($char)
string-to-codepoints($char) - string-to-codepoints('a') +10
my:hex2dec(substring($pStr,2), 16*$pAccum + $code)
この変換が次の XML ドキュメントに適用される場合:
<p>this is some sentence with some hex code\x27 s ,
and we need that fixed.</p>
<p>this is some sentence with some hex code\x28 s ,
and we need that fixed.</p>
<p>this is some sentence with some hex code\x29 s ,
and we need that fixed.</p>
<p>this is some sentence with some hex code\x2a s ,
and we need that fixed.</p>
<p>this is some sentence with some hex code\x2b s ,
and we need that fixed.</p>
<p>this is some sentence with some hex code\x2c s ,
and we need that fixed.</p>
<p>this is some sentence with some hex code\x2d s ,
and we need that fixed.</p>
<p>this is some sentence with some hex code\x2e s ,
and we need that fixed.</p>
<p>this is some sentence with some hex code\x2f s ,
and we need that fixed.</p>
<p>this is some sentence with some hex code' s ,
and we need that fixed.</p>
<p>this is some sentence with some hex code( s ,
and we need that fixed.</p>
<p>this is some sentence with some hex code) s ,
and we need that fixed.</p>
<p>this is some sentence with some hex code* s ,
and we need that fixed.</p>
<p>this is some sentence with some hex code+ s ,
and we need that fixed.</p>
<p>this is some sentence with some hex code, s ,
and we need that fixed.</p>
<p>this is some sentence with some hex code- s ,
and we need that fixed.</p>
<p>this is some sentence with some hex code. s ,
and we need that fixed.</p>
<p>this is some sentence with some hex code/ s ,
and we need that fixed.</p>
この変換は一般的なもので、16 進数の Unicode コードを正しく処理できます。
たとえば、この XML ドキュメントに同じ変換を適用すると、次のようになります。
<p>this is some sentence with some hex code\x0428\x0438\x0448 s ,
and we need that fixed.</p>
正しい結果 (キリル文字で「グリル」を表すブルガリア語を含む) が生成されます。
<p>this is some sentence with some hex codeШиш s ,
and we need that fixed.</p>