

package net.minecraft.src;

import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11;

public class GuiRecorder extends GuiContainer
private TileEntityRecorder recorderInventory;
private GuiTextField discName;
private GuiTextField musicPath;
private ContainerRecorder record;
private boolean isInit;

public GuiRecorder(InventoryPlayer par1InventoryPlayer, TileEntityRecorder par2TileEntityRecorder)
    super(new ContainerRecorder(par1InventoryPlayer, par2TileEntityRecorder));
    this.recorderInventory = par2TileEntityRecorder;
    this.record = (ContainerRecorder)(this.inventorySlots);

    int var5 = (this.width - this.xSize) / 2;
    int var6 = (this.height - this.ySize) / 2;

    this.isInit = false;

 * Capture Any/All key presses from the user and put them in the correct text field.
protected void keyTyped(char par1, int par2)
    if (par2 == 1)

    else if (this.discName.isFocused())
        this.discName.textboxKeyTyped(par1, par2);
    else if (this.musicPath.isFocused())
        this.musicPath.textboxKeyTyped(par1, par2);

    System.out.println("Keyboard hit! Code: " + par2);


 * Capture Any/All mouse clicks on the GUI.
protected void mouseClicked(int par1, int par2, int par3)
    super.mouseClicked(par1, par2, par3);
    this.musicPath.mouseClicked(par1, par2, par3);
    this.discName.mouseClicked(par1, par2, par3);

public void onGuiClosed()

    if (this.mc.thePlayer != null)

 * Draw the foreground layer for the GuiContainer (everything in front of the items)
protected void drawGuiContainerForegroundLayer(int par1, int par2)
    this.fontRenderer.drawString(StatCollector.translateToLocal("container.inventory"), 8, this.ySize - 96 + 2, 4210752);
    this.fontRenderer.drawString("Disc Name:", (int)(this.xSize*0.02), (int)(this.ySize*0.03)+1, 4210752);
    this.fontRenderer.drawString("Music Path:", (int)(this.xSize*0.02), (int)(this.ySize*0.2)-1, 4210752);

 * Draw the background layer for the GuiContainer (everything behind the items)
protected void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(float par1, int par2, int par3)
    int var4 = this.mc.renderEngine.getTexture("/gui/recorder.png");
    GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F);
    int var5 = (this.width - this.xSize) / 2;
    int var6 = (this.height - this.ySize) / 2;
    this.drawTexturedModalRect(var5, var6, 0, 0, this.xSize, this.ySize);
    int var7;

        this.discName = new GuiTextField(this.fontRenderer, var5 + 7, var6 + 16, 68, 10);
        this.musicPath = new GuiTextField(this.fontRenderer, var5 + 7, var6 + 39, 68, 10);



        this.isInit = true;

    var7 = this.recorderInventory.getCookProgressScaled(24);
    this.drawTexturedModalRect(var5 + 111, var6 + 34, 176, 14, var7 + 1, 16);



package net.minecraft.src;

import java.util.Iterator;

public class ContainerRecorder extends Container
private TileEntityRecorder recorder;
private int lastCookTime = 0;
private int lastBurnTime = 0;
private int lastItemBurnTime = 0;
public volatile String name;
public volatile String path;

public ContainerRecorder(InventoryPlayer par1InventoryPlayer, TileEntityRecorder par2TileEntityRecorder)
    this.recorder = par2TileEntityRecorder;
    this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(par2TileEntityRecorder, 0, 87, 35));
    this.addSlotToContainer(new SlotRecorder(par1InventoryPlayer.player, par2TileEntityRecorder, 2, 148, 36));

    int var3;

    for (var3 = 0; var3 < 3; ++var3)
        for (int var4 = 0; var4 < 9; ++var4)
            this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(par1InventoryPlayer, var4 + var3 * 9 + 9, 8 + var4 * 18, 84 + var3 * 18));

    for (var3 = 0; var3 < 9; ++var3)
        this.addSlotToContainer(new Slot(par1InventoryPlayer, var3, 8 + var3 * 18, 142));

    this.name = "Untitled";
    this.path = "cat";

public void addCraftingToCrafters(ICrafting par1ICrafting)
    par1ICrafting.updateCraftingInventoryInfo(this, 0, this.recorder.currentBurnTime);
    par1ICrafting.updateCraftingInventoryInfo(this, 2, this.recorder.currentItemBurnTime);

 * Updates crafting matrix; called from onCraftMatrixChanged. Args: none
public void updateCraftingResults()
    Iterator var1 = this.crafters.iterator();

    while (var1.hasNext())
        ICrafting var2 = (ICrafting)var1.next();

        if (this.lastCookTime != this.recorder.currentBurnTime)
            var2.updateCraftingInventoryInfo(this, 0, this.recorder.currentBurnTime);

        if (this.lastItemBurnTime != this.recorder.currentItemBurnTime)
            var2.updateCraftingInventoryInfo(this, 2, this.recorder.currentItemBurnTime);

    this.lastCookTime = this.recorder.currentBurnTime;
    this.lastBurnTime = this.recorder.burnTime;
    this.lastItemBurnTime = this.recorder.currentItemBurnTime;

public void updateProgressBar(int par1, int par2)
    if (par1 == 0)
        this.recorder.currentBurnTime = par2;

    if (par1 == 1)
        this.recorder.burnTime = par2;

    if (par1 == 2)
        this.recorder.currentItemBurnTime = par2;

public boolean canInteractWith(EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer)
    return this.recorder.isUseableByPlayer(par1EntityPlayer);

public ItemStack func_82846_b(EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer, int par2)
    ItemStack var3 = null;
    Slot var4 = (Slot)this.inventorySlots.get(par2);

    if (var4 != null && var4.getHasStack())
        ItemStack var5 = var4.getStack();
        var3 = var5.copy();

        if (par2 == 2)
            if (!this.mergeItemStack(var5, 3, 39, true))
                return null;

            var4.onSlotChange(var5, var3);
        else if (par2 != 1 && par2 != 0)
            if (RecorderRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(var5.getItem().shiftedIndex) != null)
                if (!this.mergeItemStack(var5, 0, 1, false))
                    return null;
            else if (TileEntityRecorder.isItemFuel(var5))
                if (!this.mergeItemStack(var5, 1, 2, false))
                    return null;
            else if (par2 >= 3 && par2 < 30)
                if (!this.mergeItemStack(var5, 30, 39, false))
                    return null;
            else if (par2 >= 30 && par2 < 39 && !this.mergeItemStack(var5, 3, 30, false))
                return null;
        else if (!this.mergeItemStack(var5, 3, 39, false))
            return null;

        if (var5.stackSize == 0)

        if (var5.stackSize == var3.stackSize)
            return null;

        var4.func_82870_a(par1EntityPlayer, var5);

    return var3;

public void setName(final String aName)
    this.name = aName;
    System.out.println("<ContainerRecorder>Record Name Set! Name: " + this.name);

public void setPath(final String aPath)
    this.path = aPath;
    System.out.println("<ContainerRecorder>Record Path Set! Path: " + this.path);


package net.minecraft.src;

public class TileEntityRecorder extends TileEntity implements IInventory
 * The ItemStacks that hold the items currently being used in the recorder
private ItemStack[] recorderItemStacks = new ItemStack[3];

/** The number of ticks that the recorder will keep burning */
public int burnTime = 0;

 * The number of ticks that a fresh copy of the currently-burning item would keep the recorder burning for
public int currentItemBurnTime = 0;

/** The number of ticks that the current item has been cooking for */
public int currentBurnTime = 0;

protected String name;
protected String path;

 * Returns the number of slots in the inventory.
public int getSizeInventory()
    return this.recorderItemStacks.length;

 * Returns the stack in slot i
public ItemStack getStackInSlot(int par1)
    return this.recorderItemStacks[par1];

 * Removes from an inventory slot (first arg) up to a specified number (second arg) of items and returns them in a
 * new stack.
public ItemStack decrStackSize(int par1, int par2)
    if (this.recorderItemStacks[par1] != null)
        ItemStack var3;

        if (this.recorderItemStacks[par1].stackSize <= par2)
            var3 = this.recorderItemStacks[par1];
            this.recorderItemStacks[par1] = null;
            return var3;
            var3 = this.recorderItemStacks[par1].splitStack(par2);

            if (this.recorderItemStacks[par1].stackSize == 0)
                this.recorderItemStacks[par1] = null;

            return var3;
        return null;

 * When some containers are closed they call this on each slot, then drop whatever it returns as an EntityItem -
 * like when you close a workbench GUI.
public ItemStack getStackInSlotOnClosing(int par1)
    if (this.recorderItemStacks[par1] != null)
        ItemStack var2 = this.recorderItemStacks[par1];
        this.recorderItemStacks[par1] = null;
        return var2;
        return null;

 * Sets the given item stack to the specified slot in the inventory (can be crafting or armor sections).
public void setInventorySlotContents(int par1, ItemStack par2ItemStack)
    this.recorderItemStacks[par1] = par2ItemStack;

    if (par2ItemStack != null && par2ItemStack.stackSize > this.getInventoryStackLimit())
        par2ItemStack.stackSize = this.getInventoryStackLimit();

 * Returns the name of the inventory.
public String getInvName()
    return "container.recorder";

 * Reads a tile entity from NBT.
public void readFromNBT(NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound)
    NBTTagList var2 = par1NBTTagCompound.getTagList("Items");
    this.recorderItemStacks = new ItemStack[this.getSizeInventory()];

    for (int var3 = 0; var3 < var2.tagCount(); ++var3)
        NBTTagCompound var4 = (NBTTagCompound)var2.tagAt(var3);
        byte var5 = var4.getByte("Slot");

        if (var5 >= 0 && var5 < this.recorderItemStacks.length)
            this.recorderItemStacks[var5] = ItemStack.loadItemStackFromNBT(var4);

    this.name = par1NBTTagCompound.getString("Name");
    this.path = par1NBTTagCompound.getString("Path");
    this.burnTime = par1NBTTagCompound.getShort("BurnTime");
    this.currentBurnTime = par1NBTTagCompound.getShort("CurrentBurnTime");
    this.currentItemBurnTime = getItemBurnTime(this.recorderItemStacks[1]);

 * Writes a tile entity to NBT.
public void writeToNBT(NBTTagCompound par1NBTTagCompound)
    par1NBTTagCompound.setShort("BurnTime", (short)this.burnTime);
    par1NBTTagCompound.setShort("CurrentBurnTime", (short)this.currentBurnTime);
    par1NBTTagCompound.setString("Name", this.name);
    par1NBTTagCompound.setString("Path", this.path);
    NBTTagList var2 = new NBTTagList();

    for (int var3 = 0; var3 < this.recorderItemStacks.length; ++var3)
        if (this.recorderItemStacks[var3] != null)
            NBTTagCompound var4 = new NBTTagCompound();
            var4.setByte("Slot", (byte)var3);

    par1NBTTagCompound.setTag("Items", var2);

 * Returns the maximum stack size for a inventory slot. Seems to always be 64, possibly will be extended. *Isn't
 * this more of a set than a get?*
public int getInventoryStackLimit()
    return 64;

 * Returns an integer between 0 and the passed value representing how close the current item is to being completely
 * cooked
public int getCookProgressScaled(int par1)
    return this.currentBurnTime * par1 / 200;

 * Returns an integer between 0 and the passed value representing how much burn time is left on the current fuel
 * item, where 0 means that the item is exhausted and the passed value means that the item is fresh
public int getBurnTimeRemainingScaled(int par1)
    if (this.currentItemBurnTime == 0)
        this.currentItemBurnTime = 200;

    return this.burnTime * par1 / this.currentItemBurnTime;

 * Returns true if the recorder is currently burning
public boolean isBurning()
    return this.burnTime > 0;

 * Allows the entity to update its state. Overridden in most subclasses, e.g. the mob spawner uses this to count
 * ticks and creates a new spawn inside its implementation.
public void updateEntity()
    boolean var1 = this.burnTime > 0;
    boolean var2 = false;

    if (this.burnTime > 0)

    if (!this.worldObj.isRemote)
        if (this.burnTime == 0 && this.canSmelt())
            this.currentItemBurnTime = this.burnTime = getItemBurnTime(this.recorderItemStacks[1]);

            if (this.burnTime > 0)
                var2 = true;

                if (this.recorderItemStacks[1] != null)

                    if (this.recorderItemStacks[1].stackSize == 0)
                        Item var3 = this.recorderItemStacks[1].getItem().getContainerItem();
                        this.recorderItemStacks[1] = var3 != null ? new ItemStack(var3) : null;

        if (this.isBurning() && this.canSmelt())

            if (this.currentBurnTime == 200)
                this.currentBurnTime = 0;
                var2 = true;
            this.currentBurnTime = 0;

    if (var2)

 * Returns true if the recorder can smelt an item, i.e. has a source item, destination stack isn't full, etc.
private boolean canSmelt()
    if (this.recorderItemStacks[0] == null)
        return false;
        ItemStack var1 = RecorderRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(this.recorderItemStacks[0].getItem().shiftedIndex);
        return var1 == null ? false : (this.recorderItemStacks[2] == null ? true : (!this.recorderItemStacks[2].isItemEqual(var1) ? false : (this.recorderItemStacks[2].stackSize < this.getInventoryStackLimit() && this.recorderItemStacks[2].stackSize < this.recorderItemStacks[2].getMaxStackSize() ? true : this.recorderItemStacks[2].stackSize < var1.getMaxStackSize())));

 * Turn one item from the recorder source stack into the appropriate smelted item in the recorder result stack
public void smeltItem()
    if (this.canSmelt())
        ItemStack var1 = RecorderRecipes.smelting().getSmeltingResult(this.recorderItemStacks[0].getItem().shiftedIndex);

        if (this.recorderItemStacks[2] == null)
            this.recorderItemStacks[2] = var1.copy();
        else if (this.recorderItemStacks[2].itemID == var1.itemID)


        if (this.recorderItemStacks[0].stackSize <= 0)
            this.recorderItemStacks[0] = null;

        System.out.println("<TileEntityRecorder>(smeltItem) Name: "+this.name);
        System.out.println("<TileEntityRecorder>(smeltItem) Path: "+this.path);
        ItemCustomRecord custom = (ItemCustomRecord)(var1.getItem());

 * Returns the number of ticks that the supplied fuel item will keep the recorder burning, or 0 if the item isn't
 * fuel
public static int getItemBurnTime(ItemStack par0ItemStack)
   return 250;

 * Return true if item is a fuel source (getItemBurnTime() > 0).
public static boolean isItemFuel(ItemStack par0ItemStack)
    return getItemBurnTime(par0ItemStack) > 0;

 * Do not make give this method the name canInteractWith because it clashes with Container
public boolean isUseableByPlayer(EntityPlayer par1EntityPlayer)
    return this.worldObj.getBlockTileEntity(this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord) != this ? false : par1EntityPlayer.getDistanceSq((double)this.xCoord + 0.5D, (double)this.yCoord + 0.5D, (double)this.zCoord + 0.5D) <= 64.0D;

public void openChest() {}

public void closeChest() {}

public void setDiscName(final String aName)
    this.name = aName;
    System.out.println("<TileEntityRecorder>Record Name Set! Name: " + this.name);

public void setMusicPath(final String aName)
    this.path = aName;
    System.out.println("<TileEntityRecorder>Record Path Set! Path: " + this.path);


package net.minecraft.src;

import java.util.List;

public class ItemCustomRecord extends Item
/** The name of the record. */
public volatile String recordName;
public volatile String musicName;

protected ItemCustomRecord(int par1)
    this.maxStackSize = 1;
    this.recordName= "Untitled";
    this.musicName = "cat";

public void SetName(final String par1)
    this.recordName = par1;
    System.out.println("<ItemCustomRecord>Name Set! Name: "+this.recordName);

public void SetPath(final String par1)
    this.musicName = par1;
    System.out.println("<ItemCustomRecord>Path Set! Path: "+this.musicName);

 * Callback for item usage. If the item does something special on right clicking, he will have one of those. Return
 * True if something happen and false if it don't. This is for ITEMS, not BLOCKS
public boolean onItemUse(ItemStack par1ItemStack, EntityPlayer par2EntityPlayer, World par3World, int par4, int par5, int par6, int par7, float par8, float par9, float par10)
    if (par3World.getBlockId(par4, par5, par6) == Block.jukebox.blockID && par3World.getBlockMetadata(par4, par5, par6) == 0)
        if (par3World.isRemote)
            return true;
            ((BlockJukeBox)Block.jukebox).insertRecord(par3World, par4, par5, par6, this.shiftedIndex);
            par3World.playAuxSFXAtEntity((EntityPlayer)null, 1006, par4, par5, par6, this.shiftedIndex);
            return true;
        return false;

 * allows items to add custom lines of information to the mouseover description
public void addInformation(ItemStack par1ItemStack, EntityPlayer par2EntityPlayer, List par3List, boolean par4)
    par3List.add("Custom - " + this.recordName);

 * Return an item rarity from EnumRarity
public EnumRarity getRarity(ItemStack par1ItemStack)
    return EnumRarity.epic;



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