Excel 2007でレポートを解析しようとしています。これは、基本的には会計手数料の例外のレポートです。レポートには、例外のタイプごとにヘッダーが付いたセクションがあります。レポートから削除される例外の種類があります。Do Whileループを使用して各ヘッダーを検索していますが、セクションを削除する必要がある場合は、削除する必要があります。何も削除する必要がない場合、コードは正常に機能しますが、セクションが削除された直後に、「範囲クラスのFindNextプロパティを取得できません」というエラーが発生します。これが私のコードです:
Sub merge_All_Section_Headers()
' Description:
' The next portion macro will find and format the Tranaction Source rows in the file
' by checking each row in column A for the following text: TRANSA. If a cell
' has this text in it, it is selected and a function called merge_text_cells
' is run, which performs concatenation of each Transaction Source header row and
' deletes the text from the rest of the cells with broken up text.
lastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1
Range(lastRow & ":" & lastRow).Delete
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Orientation = xlLandscape
With ActiveSheet.Range("A:A")
Dim searchString As String
searchString = "TRANSA"
'The following sets stringFound to either true or false based on whether or not
'the searchString (TRANSA) is found or not):
Set stringFound = .Find(searchString, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlPart)
If Not stringFound Is Nothing Then
firstLocation = stringFound.Address
lastFound = stringFound.Address
If ((InStr(ActiveCell.Text, "CHARGE FILER") = 0) And _
(InStr(ActiveCell.Text, "CREDIT FILER") = 0) And _
(InStr(ActiveCell.Text, "PA MIDNIGHT FINAL") = 0) And _
(InStr(ActiveCell.Text, "BAD DEBT TURNOVER") = 0)) Then
section_Del 'Function that deletes unwanted sections
End If
Set stringFound = .FindNext(stringFound)
Loop While Not stringFound Is Nothing And stringFound.Address <> firstLocation
End If
End With
Sub merge_All_Section_Headers()
' Description:
' The next portion macro will find and format the Tranaction Source rows in the file
' by checking each row in column A for the following text: TRANSA. If a cell
' has this text in it, it is selected and a function called merge_text_cells
' is run, which performs concatenation of each Transaction Source header row and deletes
' the text from the rest of the cells with broken up text.
lastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count + 1
Range(lastRow & ":" & lastRow).Delete
ActiveSheet.PageSetup.Orientation = xlLandscape
With ActiveSheet.Range("A:A")
Dim searchString As String
Dim arrRangesToDelete(0 To 9) As Range
searchString = "TRANSA"
'The following sets stringFound to either true or false based on whether or not
'the searchString (TRANSA) is found or not):
Set stringFound = .Find(searchString, LookIn:=xlValues, lookat:=xlPart)
If Not stringFound Is Nothing Then
firstLocation = stringFound.Address
counter = 0
lastFound = stringFound.Address
If ((InStr(ActiveCell.Text, "CHARGE FILER") = 0) And _
(InStr(ActiveCell.Text, "CREDIT FILER") = 0) And _
(InStr(ActiveCell.Text, "PA MIDNIGHT FINAL") = 0) And _
(InStr(ActiveCell.Text, "BAD DEBT TURNOVER") = 0)) Then
firstRowOfSection = ActiveCell.Row
lastRowOfSection = (ActiveSheet.Range(ActiveCell.Offset(2, 1).Address).End(xlDown).Row + 2)
Set arrRangesToDelete(counter) = Range(firstRowOfSection & ":" & lastRowOfSection)
counter = counter + 1
End If
Set stringFound = .FindNext(stringFound)
Loop While Not stringFound Is Nothing And stringFound.Address <> firstLocation
End If
End With
For i = 0 To counter - 1
Next i
End Sub