function utf8ArrayToStr(array) {
var out, i, len, c;
var char2, char3;
out = "";
len = array.length;
i = 0;
// XXX: Invalid bytes are ignored
while(i < len) {
c = array[i++];
if (c >> 7 == 0) {
// 0xxx xxxx
out += String.fromCharCode(c);
// Invalid starting byte
if (c >> 6 == 0x02) {
// #### MULTIBYTE ####
// How many bytes left for thus character?
var extraLength = null;
if (c >> 5 == 0x06) {
extraLength = 1;
} else if (c >> 4 == 0x0e) {
extraLength = 2;
} else if (c >> 3 == 0x1e) {
extraLength = 3;
} else if (c >> 2 == 0x3e) {
extraLength = 4;
} else if (c >> 1 == 0x7e) {
extraLength = 5;
} else {
// Do we have enough bytes in our data?
if (i+extraLength > len) {
var leftovers = array.slice(i-1);
// If there is an invalid byte in the leftovers we might want to
// continue from there.
for (; i < len; i++) if (array[i] >> 6 != 0x02) break;
if (i != len) continue;
// All leftover bytes are valid.
return {result: out, leftovers: leftovers};
// Remove the UTF-8 prefix from the char (res)
var mask = (1 << (8 - extraLength - 1)) - 1,
res = c & mask, nextChar, count;
for (count = 0; count < extraLength; count++) {
nextChar = array[i++];
// Is the char valid multibyte part?
if (nextChar >> 6 != 0x02) {break;};
res = (res << 6) | (nextChar & 0x3f);
if (count != extraLength) {
if (res <= 0xffff) {
out += String.fromCharCode(res);
res -= 0x10000;
var high = ((res >> 10) & 0x3ff) + 0xd800,
low = (res & 0x3ff) + 0xdc00;
out += String.fromCharCode(high, low);
return {result: out, leftovers: []};
これは{result: "parsed string", leftovers: [list of invalid bytes at the end]}
編集: @unhammer が見つけた問題を修正しました。