I am quit busy turning a old classic asp website to a .NET site. also i am now using SQL Server.
Now I have some old code
strsql = "select * FROM tabel WHERE ID = " & strID & " AND userid = " & struserid
rs1.open strsql, strCon, 2, 3
if rs1.eof THEN
end if
if straantal <> 0 THEN
rs1("userid") = struserid
rs1("verlangid") = strID
rs1("aantal") = straantal
end if
I want to use this in SQL Server. The update way. How can I do this?
- How can I check if the datareader is EOF/EOL
- How can I insert a row id it is EOF/EOL
- How can I update a row or delete a row with one function?