サーバーからデータをロードするための knockout.js チュートリアルに従っていますが、クエリが実際にどこから来ているのか少し混乱しています。チュートリアルはここにあり、私が話している特定のコードは 2 ページにあります。
I understand the necessity for using ajax, but I'm not actually sure how to make a query based on what they're doing.
$.getJSON("query/tasks", function(allData) {
var mappedTasks = $.map(allData, function(item) { return new Task(item) });
The description of what is taking place:
On this server, there's some code that handles requests to the URL /tasks, and
responds with JSON data. Add code to the end of TaskListViewModel to request that
data and use it to populate the tasks array:
So, say I'm working with PHP and want to make the following query to find the tasks:
$tasks= mysql_query("select * from tasks");
Where would I place this query? I see it's somehow related to /tasks, but what's going on here exactly?
edit, would I do something like this? So essentially the $.getJSON request is calling a function residing at query/tasks in this case?
//assuming this is on query.php
Class query{
function tasks(){
$task = mysql_query("select * from tasks");
return $task;