これは、FederalBizOpps.gov の事前要請通知です。
Presolicitation Template は、提案された買収の通知の発行に使用されます。FAR、セクション 5.2 では、今後の措置を公表する前に、この文書を提出する必要があります。FBO は、特定の勧誘に関する事前勧誘通知を事前に発行していない、特定の勧誘に言及するその他の文書を拒否します。
Tag Description [Format]
<DATE> Month and day synopsis is submitted [MMDD]
<YEAR> Year synopsis is submitted [YY]
<CBAC>* User ID for the Office Location. Assigned/managed by your location Administrator. [string]
<PASSWORD>* Password. Assigned/managed by your location Administrator. [string]
<ZIP> The Contracting Office's ZIP code [5 Digits]
<CLASSCOD>* Either one alphabetic code or a two-digit code for service or supply that the synopsis should be listed under. [Valid classification code (FAR, Section 5.207(g))]
<NAICS>* Six-digit code for service or supply that the synopsis would be listed under [Valid NAICS Code]
<OFFADD> The complete address of the contracting office [Up to 65535 characters]
<SUBJECT> The classification code, two hyphens, and a brief title description of the synopsis. [Up to 255 characters]
<SOLNBR>* Unique reference number for the solicitation [Up to 128 characters from the set: a-z A-Z 0-9 - _ ( ) { }]
<RESPDATE> Response deadline date [MMDDYY]
<ARCHDATE> The date when this notice will be archived. [MMDDYYYY]
<CONTACT> The names and phone numbers of officials to contact in regard to this synopsis. If there are two points of contact, their information shall be separated by semicolon [Up to 65535 characters]
<DESC> A narrative description of the procurement action. [Up to 65535 characters]
<LINK> A structural tag [No data required or accepted]
<URL> The Government Agency's URL that will be listed with this award. [Up to 255 characters, consist of a restricted set of characters (see URL specification - RFC 2396)]
<DESC> Visible hypertext description provided to the user for linking to the related site [Up to 255 characters]
<EMAIL> A structural tag [No data required or accepted]
<ADDRESS> The Government Agency contact's email address [Up to 128 characters]
<DESC> Visible hypertext description provided for linking to the Government Agency contact's email [Up to 255 characters]
<SETASIDE> Identify set-aside acquisitions. [Valid values: 'Competitive 8(a)', 'Emerging Small Business', 'Woman Owned Small Business', 'Economically Disadvantaged Woman Owned Small Business', 'HUBZone', 'Partial HBCU / MI', 'Partial Small Business', 'Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business', 'Total HBCU / MI', 'Total Small Business', 'Veteran-Owned Small Business']
<POPADDRESS> Place of performance address [Up to 65535 characters]
<POPZIP> Place of performance ZIP code [Up to 5 digits]
<POPCOUNTRY> Place of performance country [Up to 32 characters]
- 赤いタグはすべて必要なデータを表しています。
はグループ データであり、一緒に指定するか省略する必要があります。
はグループ データであり、一緒に指定するか省略する必要があります。
<DATE> 0521
<YEAR> 99
<CBAC> demo
<ZIP> 22030
<OFFADD> Office of Environmental Studies; 1323 Y Street, Washington, DC 22030
<SOLNBR> 208-94-0008
<RESPDATE> 061399
<ARCHDATE> 07131999
<CONTACT> Mary Ann Deal, Contract Specialist, 301-443-5329; Contracting Officer, Beatrice L. Woods, 301-443-0043
<DESC> The Center for Mental Health Services is soliciting proposals on a full and open competitive basis from qualified organizations to award a 3-year contract to develop and disseminate new knowledge about effective approaches to providing comprehensive community-based services to persons with serious mental illnesses who are homeless.
<URL> http://www.abc.gov
<DESC> Center for Mental Health <EMAIL> <ADDRESS> johndoe@usa.gov
<DESC> Center for Mental Health <SETASIDE> Total Small Disadvantage Business
<POPADDRESS> Office of Environmental Studies; 1323 Y Street; Washington, DC 22030
<POPZIP> 22030