これは、私が最近ここに投稿した質問に間接的に関連しています: vba: return page number from selection.find using text from array解決されました
まず、選択したフォルダーとサブフォルダー内のドキュメントに、カスタム ページ番号 (つまり、0.0.0、Chapter.Section、Page 代表) を含むフッターを追加します。
次に、選択したルート フォルダーに roottoc.docx として保存されたカスタム ページ番号で TOC を作成します。
完全にクリーンアップして最終的にこれを解決する前に、2 つの新しい問題が発生しました。この記事の最後に完全なコードを掲載します。
残念ながら、私が受け取った実際の結果を正確に再現することは困難ですが、フォルダーが作成され、さまざまな見出しを持ついくつかのドキュメントが含まれている場合. ディレクトリ名は、Unit Array にあるものと同じにする必要があります。つまり、Unit(1) "Unit 1" です。ファイル名は、Unit(1) & " " & Criteria(1) & ext という 2 つの部分で構成されます。 「Unit 1 p1.docx」など、配列UnitとCriteriaはChooseFolder
Sub にあります。chapArrは、私のページ番号付けシステムの唯一のUnit配列コンテンツの数値表現です。この時点では怠惰のため、別の配列を使用しました。Unit 配列で他の方法を使用して、クリーンアップ時に確認するのと同じ結果を得ることができました。
ChooseFolder Sub を実行すると、ドキュメントを含む新しいフォルダが My Documents にある場合、My Documentsがファイル ダイアログ ウィンドウで検索して選択するフォルダになります。これにより、同様の結果が生成され、私が話していることの例が得られるはずです。
Public Sub ChooseFolder()
'Declare Variables
Dim doc As Word.Document
Dim chapNum As String
Dim sResult As String
Dim Filepath As String
Dim strText As String
Dim StrChapSec As String
Dim secNum As Integer
Dim AckTime As Integer
Dim FolderChosen As Integer
Dim Unit() As Variant
Dim ChapArray() As Variant
Dim Criteria() As Variant
Dim rng As Range
Dim InfoBox As Object
Dim fd As FileDialog
Const ext = ".docx"
'Set Variable Values
secNum = 0 'Set Section number start value
AckTime = 1 'Set the message box to close after 1 seconds
Set InfoBox = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'Set shell object
Set fd = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) 'Set file dialog object
FolderChosen = fd.Show 'Display file dialogue
'Set Array Values
'ToDo: create form to set values for Arrays
'Folder names
Unit = Array("Unit 1", "Unit 2")
'Chapter Numbers
chapArr = Array("1", "2")
'Document names
Criteria = Array("P1", "P2", "P3", "P4", "P5", "P6", "P7", "P8", "P9", "M1", "M2", "M3", "M4", "D1", "D2", "D3")
If FolderChosen <> -1 Then
'didn't choose anything (clicked on CANCEL)
MsgBox "You chose cancel"
'Set sResult equal to selected file/folder in file dialogue
sResult = fd.SelectedItems(1)
End If
' Loop through unit array items
For i = LBound(Unit) To UBound(Unit)
unitName = Unit(i)
' Test unit folder being looked at and concatenate sResult with
' unitName delimited with "\"
If unitName = "Unit 105" Then
Filepath = sResult & "\unit 9"
Filepath = sResult & "\" & unitName
End If
' Loop through criteria array items
For j = LBound(Criteria) To UBound(Criteria)
criteriaName = Criteria(j)
' Set thisFile equal to full file path
thisfile = Filepath & "\" & unitName & " " & criteriaName & ext 'Create file name by concatenating filePath with "space" criteriaName and ext
' Test if file exists
If File_Exists(thisfile) = True Then
' If file exists do something (i.e. process number of pages/modify document start page number)
' Inform user of file being processed and close popup after 3 seconds
Select Case InfoBox.Popup("Processing file - " & thisfile, AckTime, "This is your Message Box", 0)
Case 1, -1
End Select
' Open document in word using generated filePath in read/write mode
' Process first section footer page number and amend to start as intPages (total pages) + 1
Set doc = Documents.Open(thisfile)
With doc
With ActiveDocument.Sections(1)
chapNum = chapArr(i)
secNum = secNum + 1
' Retrieve current footer text
strText = .Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.Text
.PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = False
' Set first page footer text to original text
.Footers(wdHeaderFooterFirstPage).Range.Text = strText
' Set other pages footer text
.Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.Text = Date & vbTab & "Author: Robert Ells" & vbTab & chapNum & "." & secNum & "."
Set rng = .Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Range.Duplicate
rng.Collapse wdCollapseEnd
rng.InsertBefore "{PAGE}"
TextToFields rng
End With
ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Footers(1).PageNumbers.StartingNumber = 1
CreateOutline sResult, chapNum & "." & secNum & "."
End With
'If file doesn't exist do something else (inform of non existant document and close popup after 3 seconds
Select Case InfoBox.Popup("File: " & thisfile & " - Does not exist", AckTime, "This is your Message Box", 0)
Case 1, -1
End Select
End If
Filepath = ""
secNum = 0
End Sub
Private Function TextToFields(rng1 As Range)
Dim c As Range
Dim fld As Field
Dim f As Integer
Dim rng2 As Range
Dim lFldStarts() As Long
Set rng2 = rng1.Duplicate
rng1.Document.ActiveWindow.View.ShowFieldCodes = True
For Each c In rng1.Characters
Select Case c.Text
Case "{"
ReDim Preserve lFldStarts(f)
lFldStarts(f) = c.Start
f = f + 1
Case "}"
f = f - 1
If f = 0 Then
rng2.Start = lFldStarts(f)
rng2.End = c.End
rng2.Characters.Last.Delete '{
rng2.Characters.First.Delete '}
Set fld = rng2.Fields.Add(rng2, , , False)
Set rng2 = fld.Code
TextToFields fld.Code
End If
Case Else
End Select
Next c
rng2.Expand wdStory
rng1.Document.ActiveWindow.View.ShowFieldCodes = True
End Function
Private Function CreateOutline(Filepath, pgNum)
' from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/274814/getting-the-headings-from-a-word-document
'Declare Variables
Dim App As Word.Application
Dim docSource As Word.Document
Dim docOutLine As Word.Document
Dim strText As String
Dim strFileName As String
Dim intLevel As Integer
Dim intItem As Integer
Dim minLevel As Integer
Dim strFootNum() As Integer
Dim rng As Word.Range
Dim astrHeadings As Variant
Dim tabStops As Variant
'Set Variable values
Set docSource = ActiveDocument
If Not FileLocked(Filepath & "\" & "roottoc.docx") Then
If File_Exists(Filepath & "\" & "roottoc.docx") Then
Set docOutLine = Documents.Open(Filepath & "\" & "roottoc.docx", ReadOnly:=False)
Set docOutLine = Document.Add
End If
End If
' Content returns only the
' main body of the document, not
' the headers and footer.
Set rng = docOutLine.Content
minLevel = 5 'levels above this value won't be copied.
astrHeadings = returnHeaderText(docSource) 'docSource.GetCrossReferenceItems(wdRefTypeHeading)
ReDim strFootNum(0 To UBound(astrHeadings))
For i = 1 To UBound(astrHeadings)
With Selection.Find
.Text = Trim(astrHeadings(i))
.Wrap = wdFindContinue
End With
If Selection.Find.Execute = True Then
strFootNum(i) = Selection.Information(wdActiveEndPageNumber)
MsgBox "No selection found", vbOKOnly 'Or whatever you want to do if it's not found'
End If
With Selection.Paragraphs.tabStops
'.Add Position:=InchesToPoints(2), Alignment:=wdAlignTabLeft
.Add Position:=InchesToPoints(6), Alignment:=wdAlignTabRight, Leader:=wdTabLeaderDots
End With
For intItem = LBound(astrHeadings) To UBound(astrHeadings)
' Get the text and the level.
' strText = Trim$(astrHeadings(intItem))
intLevel = GetLevel(CStr(astrHeadings(intItem)))
' Test which heading is selected and indent accordingly
If intLevel <= minLevel Then
If intLevel = "1" Then
strText = " " & Trim$(astrHeadings(intItem)) & vbTab & pgNum & strFootNum(intItem) & vbCr
End If
If intLevel = "2" Then
strText = " " & Trim$(astrHeadings(intItem)) & vbTab & pgNum & strFootNum(intItem) & vbCr
End If
If intLevel = "3" Then
strText = " " & Trim$(astrHeadings(intItem)) & vbTab & pgNum & strFootNum(intItem) & vbCr
End If
If intLevel = "4" Then
strText = " " & Trim$(astrHeadings(intItem)) & vbTab & pgNum & strFootNum(intItem) & vbCr
End If
If intLevel = "5" Then
strText = " " & Trim$(astrHeadings(intItem)) & vbTab & pgNum & strFootNum(intItem) & vbCr
End If
' Add the text to the document.
rng.Collapse (False)
rng.InsertAfter strText & vbLf
' tab stop to set at 15.24 cm
'With Selection.Paragraphs.tabStops
' .Add Position:=InchesToPoints(6), _
' Leader:=wdTabLeaderDots, Alignment:=wdAlignTabRight
' .Add Position:=InchesToPoints(2), Alignment:=wdAlignTabCenter
'End With
rng.Collapse (False)
End If
Next intItem
End Function
Function returnHeaderText(doc As Word.Document) As Variant
Dim returnArray() As Variant
Dim para As Word.Paragraph
Dim i As Integer
i = 0
For Each para In doc.Paragraphs
If Left(para.Style, 7) = "Heading" Then
ReDim Preserve returnArray(i)
returnArray(i) = para.Range.Text
i = i + 1
End If
returnHeaderText = returnArray
End Function
Function FileLocked(strFileName As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
' If the file is already opened by another process,
' and the specified type of access is not allowed,
' the Open operation fails and an error occurs.
Open strFileName For Binary Access Read Write Lock Read Write As #1
Close #1
' If an error occurs, the document is currently open.
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
' Display the error number and description.
MsgBox "Error #" & Str(Err.Number) & " - " & Err.Description
FileLocked = True
End If
End Function
Private Function GetLevel(strItem As String) As Integer
' from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/274814/getting-the-headings-from-a-word-document
' Return the heading level of a header from the
' array returned by Word.
' The number of leading spaces indicates the
' outline level (2 spaces per level: H1 has
' 0 spaces, H2 has 2 spaces, H3 has 4 spaces.
Dim strTemp As String
Dim strOriginal As String
Dim intDiff As Integer
' Get rid of all trailing spaces.
strOriginal = RTrim$(strItem)
' Trim leading spaces, and then compare with
' the original.
strTemp = LTrim$(strOriginal)
' Subtract to find the number of
' leading spaces in the original string.
intDiff = Len(strOriginal) - Len(strTemp)
GetLevel = (intDiff / 2) + 1
End Function
Private Function File_Exists(ByVal sPathName As String, Optional Directory As Boolean) As Boolean
'Returns True if the passed sPathName exist
'Otherwise returns False
On Error Resume Next
If sPathName <> "" Then
If IsMissing(Directory) Or Directory = False Then
File_Exists = (Dir$(sPathName) <> "")
File_Exists = (Dir$(sPathName, vbDirectory) <> "")
End If
End If
End Function
Sub Hide_Field_Codes()
Application.ActiveWindow.View.ShowFieldCodes = False
End Sub
私はまだこのビットをテストしていませんが (疲れているため)、見出しが通常のテキストとインラインである場合、この関数は見出しのみを取得するのでしょうか、それとも見出しと通常のテキストの両方を取得しますか?
質問パート 2、回答
関数で必要に応じてインデントされなくなりました)。時間が迫っているので、明日またこれを取りに行かなければなりません :-)
もう一度感謝します kevin, これは、パブのことを考えるのではなく、大学でのプログラミング中にもっと集中するべきだった場所です.