(define (evens lis)
(cond (;; Check: Recursion stop condition
(null? lis)
(;; Wrong: Calling length at each step => O(n^2)
;; Wrong: Assuming even element if list has even number of elements
(= (modulo (length lis) 2) 0)
;; Wrong: Recursing with the rest of the list, you'll get odds
(cons (car lis) (evens (cdr lis))))
;; Wrong: Recursing with the rest of the list with cdr, you'll get odds
(evens (cdr lis)))))
(define (evens lis)
(cond (;; Check: Recursion stop condition
(null? lis)
;; Check: Building list with second element
;; Wrong: If lis only has 1 element,
;; (cdr lis) is null and (car (cdr list)) is an error.
(cons (cadr lis)
;; Wrong: Recursing with cdr, you'll get odds
(evens (cdr lis))))))
解決策は、リストに少なくとも 2 番目の要素があるかどうかを確認することです。
(define (evens lis)
(cond (;; Check: Recursion stop condition 1
(null? lis)
(;; Check: Recursion stop condition 2: list of length = 1
(null? (cdr lis))
;; Check: Building list with second element
;; The previous cond clauses have already sorted out
;; that lis and (cdr lis) are not null.
(cons (cadr lis)
;; Check: Recurse "the rest of the rest" of lis with cddr
(evens (cddr lis)))))
て、このソリューションを単純化して 2 つの分岐のみを持たせます。