$searchText = "hai how are you"; //eg: if there are multiple spaces between words
$searchText = preg_replace("(\s+)", " ", $searchText );
$searchArray =& split( " ", $searchText );
$text = array(0 => 'hai how are all people there',
1 => 'how are things going ',
2 => 'are you coming',
3 => 'how is sam',
4 => 'testing ggg');
foreach($text as $key=>$elt){
foreach($searchArray as $searchelt){
if(strpos($elt,$searchelt)!== FALSE){
$matches[] = $key; //just storing key to avoid memory wastage
//print the matched string with help of stored keys
echo '<pre>matched string are as follows: ';
foreach ($matches as $key){
echo "<br>{$text[$key]}";