非表示フィールドを使用して、ページ要求間でチェックボックスの状態を維持していますが、機能しません。そのため、webgrid をクリックして次の 15 レコードに移動すると、どのチェックボックスがチェックされているかを忘れてしまいます。

インデックス ビュー

@model IEnumerable<UserManager.Models.vw_UserManager_Model>
    ViewBag.Title = "User Manager Dashboard";
@Html.ActionLink("Create New User", "CreateUser")
@using (@Html.BeginForm())
    <div class="webgrid-filter">
        @{Html.RenderAction("_WebGridFilter", "UserManager");}

    <div id="webgrid-wrapper">
        @Html.Partial("~/Views/Partial/_WebGridUserManager.cshtml", Model)
    <br />
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {

        // Disable checkboxs where a user is not active.
        $(".webgrid-wrapper input:not(:checked)").attr("disabled", "disabled");

        // Style tables.
        function jQueryUIStyling() {
            $('input:button, input:submit').button();

            $('.webgrid-wrapper').addClass('ui-grid ui-widget ui-widget-content ui-corner-all');
            $('.webgrid-title').addClass('ui-grid-header ui-widget-header ui-corner-top');
        } // end of jQueryUIStyling

        function jQueryTableStyling() {
            $('.webgrid').addClass('ui-grid-content ui-widget-content');
            $('.webgrid-footer').addClass('ui-grid-footer ui-widget-header ui-corner-bottom ui-helper-clearfix');
        } // end of jQueryTableStyling
<script type="text/javascript">

    function filterGrid() {
        var filters = getFilterVals();
            url: '@Url.Action("Index", "UserManager")',
            type: "POST",
            async: true,
            dataType: "html",
            data: "alfConnect=" + filters.alfConnect + "&" + "alfIntelligence=" + filters.alfIntelligence + "&" + "brad=" + filters.brad,
            success: function (data) {
                //                $('#webgrid-wrapper').html(data);

    function getFilterVals() {
        filters = new Object();
        if ($('.webgrid-filter #chkFilterAlfIntell').is(':checked')) {
            filters.alfIntelligence = 1;
        else {
            filters.alfIntelligence = 0;

        if ($('.webgrid-filter #chkFilterAlfConn').is(':checked')) {
            filters.alfConnect = 1;
        else {
            filters.alfConnect = 0;

        if ($('.webgrid-filter #chkFilterBrad').is(':checked')) {
            filters.brad = 1;
        else {
            filters.brad = 0;
        return filters;


    function logUserOff(url) {
        var answer = confirm('Are you sure you want to save this data?')
        if (answer) {
            //            alert(url + ": " + value);

                url: url,
                type: "POST"
                //                data: value
            }).done(function () {

            return true;
        else {
            return false;


@model UserManager.Models.webgrid_validation
<b>@Html.Label("Select a filter: ")</b>
<br />

@Html.Label("Toggle ALF Intelligence users:")
@Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.chkBoxAlfIntelligence, new
    id = "chkFilterAlfIntell",
    onclick = "filterGrid()",
    @checked = "checked"

@Html.Hidden("hdnAlfIntelligence", Model.chkBoxAlfIntelligence)

@Html.Label("Toggle ALF Connect users:")
@Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.chkBoxAlfConnect, new
    id = "chkFilterAlfConn",
    onclick = "filterGrid()",
    @checked = "checked"
@Html.Hidden("hdnAlfConnect", Model.chkBoxAlfConnect)

@Html.Label("Toggle BRAD users:")
@Html.CheckBoxFor(model => model.chkBoxBrad, new
    id = "chkFilterBrad",
    onclick = "filterGrid()",
    @checked = "checked"

@Html.Hidden("hdnBrad", Model.chkBoxBrad)


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using UserManager.Models;

namespace UserManager.Controllers
    public class UserManagerController : Controller
        // GET: /UserManager/

        public ActionResult Index()
                var model = new UserManagerTestEntities().vw_UserManager_Model;
                return View(model.ToList());

            catch (Exception ex)
                return View(ViewBag);


        public ActionResult Index(int alfConnect, int alfIntelligence, int brad)
            List<UserManager.Models.vw_UserManager_Model> modelList = DAL.getGrid(alfConnect, alfIntelligence, brad);

                        switch (alfConnect)
                case 1:
                    ViewData["chkBoxAlfConnect"] = 1;
                case 0:
                    ViewData["chkBoxAlfConnect"] = 0;

            switch (alfIntelligence)
                case 1:
                    ViewData["chkBoxAlfIntelligence"] = 1;
                case 0:
                    ViewData["chkBoxAlfIntelligence"] = 0;

            switch (brad)
                case 1:
                    ViewData["chkBoxBrad"] = 1;
                case 0:
                    ViewData["chkBoxBrad"] = 0;

            return PartialView("~/Views/Partial/_WebGridUserManager.cshtml", modelList);  

        public ActionResult _WebGridFilter ()
            UserManager.Models.webgrid_validation model = new webgrid_validation();

            return PartialView("~/Views/Partial/_WebGridFilter.cshtml", model);

        //public ActionResult _WebGridFilter(int alfConnect, int alfIntelligence, int brad)
        //    UserManager.Models.webgrid_validation model = new webgrid_validation();

            //switch (alfConnect)
            //    case 1:
            //        model.chkBoxAlfConnect = true;
            //        break;
            //    case 0:
            //        model.chkBoxAlfConnect = false;
            //        break;

            //switch (alfIntelligence)
            //    case 1:
            //        model.chkBoxAlfIntelligence = true;
            //        break;
            //    case 0:
            //        model.chkBoxAlfIntelligence = false;
            //        break;

            //switch (brad)
            //    case 1:
            //        model.chkBoxBrad = true;
            //        break;
            //    case 0:
            //        model.chkBoxBrad = false;
            //        break;
        //    return PartialView("~/Views/Partial/_WebGridFilter.cshtml", model);

        #region ajaxMethods
        public ActionResult LookUpGroupName(string q, int limit)

                //TODO: Map list to autocomplete textbox control
                DAL d = new DAL();
                List<string> groups = d.groups();

                var GroupValue = groups
                    .Where(x => x.Contains(q))
                    .OrderBy(x => x)
                    .Select(r => new { group = r });

                // Return the result set as JSON
                return Json(GroupValue, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return View(ex.ToString());

        public ActionResult LogUserOff(string userid)

                //TODO: Map list to autocomplete textbox control

                return View();

            catch (Exception ex)
                return View(ex.ToString());

        //public ActionResult FilterGrid(int alfConnect, int alfIntelligence, int brad)
        //    List<UserManager.Models.vw_UserManager_Model> modelList  = DAL.getGrid(alfConnect, alfIntelligence, brad);

        //    return PartialView("_WebGridUserManager", modelList);


        #region crud
        public ActionResult CreateUser()
            //var data = new UserManager.Models.UserManagerTestEntities();
            ViewBag.Message = "Create New User";
            var model = new vw_UserManager_Model();
            return View(model);

        public ActionResult CreateUser (vw_UserManager_Model model)

                int outcome = 0;
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    //var data = new UserManager.Models.UserManagerTestEntities();
                    // Pass model to Data Layer
                     outcome = UserManager.DAL.CreateUser(model, outcome);

                if (outcome > 0) // Success

                    return RedirectToAction("showSuccess", model);

                else // Failure
                    return RedirectToAction("showError", new { ErrorMessage = "Error" });

        public ActionResult EditUser(Guid userid, string salutation, string firstname, string lastname, string password, Nullable<bool> isactive,  Nullable<int> maxconcurrentusers, string email, string module, string group)
            vw_UserManager_Model editUser = new vw_UserManager_Model();
            editUser.userid = userid;
            editUser.salutation = salutation;
            editUser.firstname = firstname;
            editUser.lastname = lastname;
            editUser.password = password;
            editUser.isactive = isactive;
            editUser.MaxConcurrentUsers = maxconcurrentusers;
            editUser.email = email;
            editUser.module_name = module;
            editUser.group_name = group;
            return View(editUser);

        public ActionResult EditUser(vw_UserManager_Model editUser)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)

            return View();

        public ActionResult DeleteUser(Guid userid, string username, string salutation, string firstname, string lastname, string password, bool isactive, string email, string module, string group)
            vw_UserManager_Model DeleteUser = new vw_UserManager_Model();
            DeleteUser.userid = userid;
            DeleteUser.UserName = username;
            DeleteUser.salutation = salutation;
            DeleteUser.firstname = firstname;
            DeleteUser.lastname = lastname;
            DeleteUser.password = password;
            DeleteUser.isactive = isactive;
            DeleteUser.email = email;
            DeleteUser.module_name = module;
            DeleteUser.group_name = group;

            return View(DeleteUser);

        public ActionResult DeleteUser(vw_UserManager_Model deleteUser)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                return RedirectToAction("showSuccess", new { SuccessMessage = "Success" });

            return View();
        #endregion crud

        #region successErrorHandling
        public ActionResult showError(List<string> ErrorMessage)
                ViewBag.ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage[0];
                return View("ErrorMessageView");

        public ActionResult showSuccess(vw_UserManager_Model model)

            return View("SuccessMessageeView", model);

私の質問は、非表示フィールドを使用して、ページ リクエスト間でチェックボックスの状態を維持する方法です。


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于 2012-11-19T10:51:05.070 に答える