概要: Jeditableにonsubmitまたはコールバックを提供しようとすると、エラーが発生します。onresetObject [function] has no method 'apply'

ここにたどり着いた方法: Railsプラグインを使用して、インプレースWYSIWYG編集用のJeditableとjWYSIWYGを提供しています。開発は、私が取り組んでいる特定の機能を要求するRailsプロジェクトによって推進されています。



ただし、これらのコールバックを使用しようとすると、このObject [something] has no method 'apply'エラーが発生します。




function showTrigger(settings, original) {


Object showTrigger has no method 'apply'


また、引数として関数を直接送信してみました"onsubmit"(つまり"onsubmit": "function(settings, original){$(\".edit_trigger[id='element_id']\").toggle();}"、代わりに取得Object function(settings, original){$(\".edit_trigger[id='element_id']\").toggle();} has no method 'apply'します。




1 に答える 1


As my ETA above suggested, the problem did turn out to be passing a string rather than a function. My Rails helper was generating arguments for Jeditable by taking an argument hash and using .to_json. This made the string function name into, well, a quoted string. In order to provide this argument as a function name Jeditable would understand, I needed to include these specific arguments as a pre-JSON-ified argument.

In other words, instead of defining a Ruby variable which contained a string with the name of the function, I defined it containing the JSON object with the name of the function. Instead of trigger_reset = 'showTrigger' I used trigger_reset = '{ onsave: showTrigger, onreset: showTrigger }'.

Then, instead of including this as another argument in the args hash, where that hash was added to the args object in JS using $().extend(), I added the value of the trigger_reset variable as a third argument to extend().

Of course, this turns out to all be bound up in code I didn't include in my original question, so it's no wonder nobody could help. Sorry, and thanks anyway.

于 2012-11-19T16:57:43.933 に答える