これにはおそらく実用的な制限が必要であることを前もって述べておきます(あなたの状況で使用できる文字数に制限があるかどうかはわかりません)。私の例のフィドルでわかるように、 300以上のものはすべて大きなサイズに解決できません。上限または不明な上限がある場合は、javascriptが本当に最善の解決策になります。私の例は300未満で機能し、おそらく999まではそれほど多くのコードで作成できませんでした。しかし、1000以上は無理だと思います。
/* set default as small size */
[class ^= "txtField"] {
width: 50px;
/* weed out 50-99, making sure not to get 5-9 */
[class *= "d5"]:not([class $= "d5"]),
[class *= "d6"]:not([class $= "d6"]),
[class *= "d7"]:not([class $= "d7"]),
[class *= "d8"]:not([class $= "d8"]),
[class *= "d9"]:not([class $= "d9"])
width: 80px;
/* weed out 100-199, making sure not to get 1 or 10-19
NOTE: this becomes a highly specific selector
[class *= "d1"]:not([class $= "d1"]):not([class $= "d10"]):not([class $= "d11"]):not([class $= "d12"]):not([class $= "d13"]):not([class $= "d14"]):not([class $= "d15"]):not([class $= "d16"]):not([class $= "d17"]):not([class $= "d18"]):not([class $= "d19"])
width: 120px;
/* weed out 150-199, making sure not to get 15-19
NOTE: because the previous selector is so specific, this one
needed the !important flag (which I hate to use, but here
seemed to be the best and only solution)
[class *= "d15"]:not([class $= "d15"]),
[class *= "d16"]:not([class $= "d16"]),
[class *= "d17"]:not([class $= "d17"]),
[class *= "d18"]:not([class $= "d18"]),
[class *= "d19"]:not([class $= "d19"])
width: 150px !important;
/* weed out 200-299, making sure not to get 2 or 20-29
NOTE: again high specificity
[class *= "d2"]:not([class $= "d2"]):not([class $= "d20"]):not([class $= "d21"]):not([class $= "d22"]):not([class $= "d23"]):not([class $= "d24"]):not([class $= "d25"]):not([class $= "d26"]):not([class $= "d27"]):not([class $= "d28"]):not([class $= "d29"])
width: 180px;
/* weed out 250-299, making sure not to get 25-29
NOTE: !important needed again;
also, anything 300+ reverts back to smallest size unless
one keeps going... maybe 999 could be reached "reasonably"
[class *= "d25"]:not([class $= "d25"]),
[class *= "d26"]:not([class $= "d26"]),
[class *= "d27"]:not([class $= "d27"]),
[class *= "d28"]:not([class $= "d28"]),
[class *= "d29"]:not([class $= "d29"])
width: 210px !important;