ショッピング カート フォームのDim MyCollection As New AudioBooksステートメントを使用して、メモリ内の場所をインスタンス化しました。Public Class ShoppingCartここで、オーディオブックの変数をフォームで宣言Dim StrLearnCalclusInOneDayAB As Stringしました。Public Class AudioBooks

If ListBox1.Items.Contains(Me.MyCollection.StrLearnCalclusInOneDayAB)

これが私の主な構文エラーです。listbox1 を調べて、オーディオブックの変数があるかどうかを確認する必要があります。私はこれを間違って認定していますが、イライラするほど単純であることを知っています。
これが完全なコードです。私は VB チューターが必要で、質問ごとに 5 ドルを支払います。以下はコードの全文です。

Public Class ShoppingCart
Dim Tax As Decimal
Dim PB1 As Decimal
Dim AB1 As Decimal
Dim MyCollection As New AudioBooks

'My overall objective is to move the strings from audiobooks and printbooks to shopping cart and calculate the total
'I was instructed to use a module

Private Sub Label3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label3.Click
    Tax = 0.06
End Sub

Private Sub PrintBooksToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PrintBooksToolStripMenuItem.Click
    'Create an instance of the printbook
    Dim frmPrintBook As New PrintBook

    'Display the form in modal styple
End Sub

Private Sub AudioBooksToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AudioBooksToolStripMenuItem.Click
    'Create an instance of the audiobook
    Dim frmAudioBook As New AudioBooks

    'Display the form in modal style
End Sub

Public Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListBox1.SelectedIndexChanged
    'Dim MyCollection As New AudioBooks
    'I want to run an if else statement which checks Listbox1 to see what books are in the cart and calculates the total
    'I'm having trouble finding these variables(from audiobooks) with intelligsense, 'StrLearnCalclusInOneDayAB' etc.
    'I'm pretty sure I need a new instance of memory from the audio bookcooks class to use the object variables
    'declared in that class.  I'm having trouble getting the syntax right.  Intelligsense only will find the lstboxaudio

    'The book says, form's class-level variables are accessible to statements in the form file,
    'they are not accessible by default to statements outside the form file

    'I want the code to look like this,  only lstboxAudio comes up in Intelligsense, why is this, I want StrLearnCalclusInOneDayAB to
    'Also I'm not sure I'm using contains correctly, hope I was clear

    'I will eventually need to total the books in the cart, why Can't intellisense find the variable?
    'This is my primary question

    If ListBox1.Items.Contains(MyCollection.StrLearnCalclusInOneDayAB) Then

    End If

    Cart.IDidItYourWay = 11.95
    Cart.TheHistoryofScotland = 14.5
    Cart.LearnCalculusInOneDay = 29.95
    Cart.FeelTheStress = 18.5

    Cart.LearnCalculusInOneDayAB = 29.95
    Cart.RelaxationTechniques = 11.5
    Cart.TheScienceOfBodyLanguage = 12.95
    Cart.TheHistoryOfScotlandAB = 14.5
    'I feel I shouldn't have to reference an object to change properties in a class, why must I do that?  
    'This question might not make sense.  
End Sub

Private Sub lblSubtotal_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lblSubtotal.Click

End Sub


Public Class AudioBooks

Public Sub lstboxAudio_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstboxAudio.SelectedIndexChanged

End Sub

Public Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
    'Dim AudioBooks1 As String
    'AudioBooks1 = lstboxAudio.SelectedItem.ToString
    'Save the selected item to a string
    'shopping cart form, listbox1, items, add, that string of audiobooks

    Dim StrLearnCalclusInOneDayAB As String
    StrLearnCalclusInOneDayAB = lstboxAudio.Items(0).ToString
    'If strLearnCalculusInOneDayAB is selected then add to the shopping cart listbox

    If lstboxAudio.SelectedIndex = 0 Then
    End If
    ' if the selectedindex of lslboxaudio is 0, the string is selected
    'then move it to the shoppingcart

    Dim StrTheHistoryOfScotlandAB As String
    StrTheHistoryOfScotlandAB = lstboxAudio.Items(1).ToString

    If lstboxAudio.SelectedIndex = 1 Then
    End If

    Dim StrTheScienceOfBodyLangAB As String
    StrTheScienceOfBodyLangAB = lstboxAudio.Items(2).ToString

    If lstboxAudio.SelectedIndex = 2 Then
    End If

    Dim StrRelaxationTechniquesAB As String
    StrRelaxationTechniquesAB = lstboxAudio.Items(3).ToString

    If lstboxAudio.SelectedIndex = 3 Then
    End If

End Sub

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
End Sub



1 に答える 1


これは、Audiobooks フォームでデフォルトで非公開に分類されている Dim ステートメントに関連しています。public を明示的に宣言する必要があります。アクセスレベルと静的共有変数のダイナミクスを知らないと、この質問が作成されます。

于 2012-11-22T15:29:06.643 に答える