class List
* This object represents the List. It has a 1:M relationship with the Visit class
private List<Visits> visits = new List<Visits>();
//List object use to implement the relationshio with Visits
public void addVisits(Visits vis)
//Add a new Visit to the List
public List<String> listVisits()
{//Generate a list of String objects, each one of which represents a Visit in List.
List<String> listVisits = new List<string>();
//This list object will be populated with Strings representing the Visits in the lists
foreach (Visits vis in visits)
String visAsString = vis.ToString();
//Get a string representing the current visit object
//Add the visit object to the List
return listVisits;
//Return the list of strings
public Visits getVisits(int index)
//Return the visit object at the <index> place in the list
int count = 0;
foreach (Visits vis in visits)
//Go through all the visit objects
if (index == count)
//If we're at the correct point in the list...
return vis;
//exit this method and return the current visit
//Keep counting
return null;
//Return null if an index was entered that could not be found
* Update the list on this form the reflect the visits in the list
//Clear all the existing visits from the list
List<String> listOfVis = theList.listVisits();
//Get a list of strings to display in the list box
//Add the strings to the listBox. Note to add a list of strings in one go we have to
//use AddRange and we have to use the ToArray() method of the list that we are adding