0(47) : error C7011: implicit cast from "int" to "vec3"
0(55) : error C7011: implicit cast from "int" to "vec3"
#version 330 core
in vec2 UV;
in vec3 Position_worldSpace;
in vec3 Normal_cameraSpace;
in vec3 EyeDirection_cameraSpace;
in vec3 LightDirection_cameraSpace;
out vec4 Color;
uniform sampler2D TextureSampler;
uniform mat4 ViewMatrix;
uniform mat4 ModelMatrix;
uniform vec3 LightPosition_worldSpace;
void main()
// Light emission properties
// Make them uniforms for flexibility/customization
vec4 LightColor = vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
float LightPower = 50.0f;
// Material properties
vec4 MaterialDiffuseColor = texture(TextureSampler, UV).rgba;
vec4 MaterialAmbientColor = vec4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1.0f) * MaterialDiffuseColor;
vec4 MaterialSpecularColor = vec4(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f);
float DistanceToLight = length(LightPosition_worldSpace - Position_worldSpace);
// Normal of the computed fragment, in camera space
vec3 normal = normalize(Normal_cameraSpace);
// Light Direction, from the fragment to the light itself
vec3 ld = normalize(LightDirection_cameraSpace);
// Cosine of the angle between the normal and the light direction,
// clamped above 0
// - light is at the vertical of the triangle -> 1
// - light is perpendicular to the triangle -> 0
// - light is behind the triangle -> 0
float cosTheta = clamp(dot(normal, 1), 0, 1);
// Eye vector (towards the camera)
vec3 norm_EyeDir = normalize(EyeDirection_cameraSpace);
// direction in which the triangle reflects the light
vec3 reflection = reflect(-1, normal);
// Cosine of the angle between the Eye vector and
// the Reflect vector, clamped to 0
// - Looking into the reflection -> 1
// - Looking elsewhere -> less than 1
float cosAlpha = clamp(dot(norm_EyeDir, reflection), 0, 1);
float DistSquared = DistanceToLight * DistanceToLight;
Color =
// Ambient : simulates indirect lighting
MaterialAmbientColor +
// Diffuse : "color" of the object
MaterialDiffuseColor * LightColor * LightPower * cosTheta / DistSquared +
// Specular : reflective highlight, like a mirror
MaterialSpecularColor * LightColor * LightPower * pow(cosAlpha, 5) / DistSquared;
#version 330 core
// Input data, which is different for all executions of this shader
layout(location = 0) in vec3 VertexPosition_modelSpace;
layout(location = 1) in vec2 VertexUV;
layout(location = 2) in vec3 VertexNormal_modelSpace;
// Output data ; will be interpolated for each fragment
out vec2 UV;
out vec3 Position_worldSpace;
out vec3 Normal_cameraSpace;
out vec3 EyeDirection_cameraSpace;
out vec3 LightDirection_cameraSpace;
// Values which stay constant for the whole mesh
uniform mat4 MvpMatrix;
uniform mat4 ViewMatrix;
uniform mat4 ModelMatrix;
uniform vec3 LightPosition_worldSpace;
void main()
vec4 vPos = vec4(VertexPosition_modelSpace, 1.0f);
// Output position of the vertex, in clip space : MvpMatrix * position
gl_Position = MvpMatrix * vPos;
// Position of the vertex, in worldSpace : ModelMatrix * position
Position_worldSpace = (ModelMatrix * vPos).xyz;
// Vector that goes from the vertex to the camera, in camera space.
// In camera space, the camera is at the origin (0, 0, 0).
vec3 VertexPosition_cameraSpace = (ViewMatrix * ModelMatrix * vPos).xyz;
EyeDirection_cameraSpace = vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f) - VertexPosition_cameraSpace;
// Vector that goes from the vertex to the light, in camera space.
// M is identity, thus it's ommitted
vec3 LightPosition_cameraSpace = (ViewMatrix * vec4(LightPosition_worldSpace, 1.0f)).xyz;
LightDirection_cameraSpace = LightPosition_cameraSpace + EyeDirection_cameraSpace;
// Normal of the vertex, in camera space
// This is only correct if ModelMatrix does not scale the model; use its transpose if doesn't work properly.
Normal_cameraSpace = (ViewMatrix * ModelMatrix * vec4(VertexNormal_modelSpace, 0.0f)).xyz;
// UV of the vertex.
UV = VertexUV;
vec3 reflection = reflect(-1.0f, normal);
float cosTheta = clamp( dot(normal, 1.0f), 0.0f, 1.0f);
です。これを変更したため、メッセージはではimplicit cast from "float" to "vec3"