グラフ データ構造を開発していますが、問題があります。
class Graph
var $graph_arr = array();
function Graph()
$this->graph_arr = array();
//initialization of nodes, mythical for now
$n = new Node("A", array("B", "C"));
$this->graph_arr[] = $n;
$n = new Node("B", array("A", "D"));
$this->graph_arr[] = $n;
$n = new Node("C", array("A", "E", "F"));
$this->graph_arr[] =$n;
$n = new Node("D", array("B"));
$this->graph_arr[] = $n;
$n = new Node("E", array("C"));
$this->graph_arr[] = $n;
$n = new Node("F", array("C"));
$this->graph_arr[] = $n;
class Node
var $node_name;
var $adjacent_nodes;
var $is_visited;
function Node($node_name, $adjacent_nodes)
$this->node_name = $node_name;
$this->adjacent_nodes = $adjacent_nodes;
/** returns array of adjacent nodes **/
function getAdjacentNodes()
return $this->adjacent_nodes;
function getNodeName()
return $this->node_name;
function isVisited()
return $this->is_visited;
function setVisited()
$this->is_visited = true;
Graph オブジェクトを作成すると、配列のサイズは 0 になります。また、新しいノードを追加できません。