IText で PDF のフラットデコードされたストリームをエンコードしました。残念ながら、きれいなテキストがありますが、それが何を意味するのか正確にはわかりません... PDF 32000には、このトピックに関するドキュメントはありません...この問題に関する他のドキュメントはありますか? ?
0 0 1 rg
0 0 520 150 re
0 g
36 806 Td
ISO 32000-1:2008 (this is the document you referred to as PDF 32000, isn't it?) documents all the contents of your example stream, especially have a look at chapters 8 Graphics and 9 Text:
8.4.2 Graphics State Stack: The q operator shall push a copy of the entire graphics state onto the stack.
0 0 1 rg
Table 74 Colour Operators: rg - Same as RG but used for nonstroking operations.
ibidem: RG - Set the stroking colour space to DeviceRGB (or the DefaultRGB colour space; see, "Default Colour Spaces") and set the colour to use for stroking operations. Each operand shall be a number between 0.0 (minimum intensity) and 1.0 (maximum intensity).
0 0 520 150 re
Table 59 Path Construction Operators: re - Append a rectangle to the current path as a complete subpath, with lower-left corner (x, y) and dimensions widthand height in user space.
Table 60 Path-Painting Operators: f - Fill the path, using the nonzero winding number rule to determine the region to fill (see, "Nonzero Winding Number Rule"). Any subpaths that are open shall be implicitly closed before being filled.
0 g
Table 74 Colour Operators: g - Same as G but used for nonstroking operations
ibidem: G - Set the stroking colour space to DeviceGray (or the DefaultGray colour space; see, "Default Colour Spaces") and set the gray level to use for stroking operations. gray shall be a number between 0.0 (black) and 1.0 (white).
8.4.2 Graphics State Stack: The q operator shall push a copy of the entire graphics state onto the stack. The Q operator shall restore the entire graphics state to its former value by popping it from the stack.
9.4.1 General (in 9.4 Text Objects): A text object begins with the BT operator and ends with the ET operator
36 806 Td
Table 108 Text-positioning operators: Td - Move to the start of the next line, offset from the start of the current line by (tx, ty). tx and ty shall denote numbers expressed in unscaled text space units. More precisely, this operator shall perform these assignments
9.4.1 General (in 9.4 Text Objects): A text object begins with the BT operator and ends with the ET operator
8.4.2 Graphics State Stack: The Q operator shall restore the entire graphics state to its former value by popping it from the stack.
If you have questions concerning details of one or the other operations, you'll find lots of information in the surrounding clear text. If after studying that there still are questions, feel free to ask.
1) ページの原点 (左下隅) から幅 520 単位、高さ 120 単位 (およそ 7.2 x 1.6 インチに相当) の塗りつぶされた 100% 青色の長方形をペイントします。
2) どのテキスト コマンドも何もしません。「Td」演算子はテキスト マトリックスを変更しますが、ページにテキストが描画されていないため、何も表示されません。また、「q .. Q」のペアに埋め込まれているため、ページ上でそれに続くものには何の影響もありません。