- フォームにDataGridViewコントロールを配置します
- グリッドの最初の列をテキストボックス列オブジェクトとして作成し、そのDataPropertyNameをPhoneNumbersオブジェクトのPhoneNumberプロパティ名と同じに設定します
- グリッドの2番目の列をcomboxbox列オブジェクトとして作成し、そのDataPropertyNameをPhoneNumbersオブジェクトのPhoneTypeKEYプロパティ名と同じに設定します
- コンボボックス列をサポートテーブルにバインドします
- グリッドに列を追加します
- グリッドのAutoGenerateColumnsプロパティをFalseに設定します
- グリッドのデータソースをPhoneNumbersオブジェクトに設定します
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
namespace SAPS
public class clsPhoneNumber
#region Fields (4)
private int _contacts_FK;
private string _errMsg;
private string _phoneNumber;
private int _phoneNumbers_PK;
private int _phoneTypes_FK;
private string _phoneType;
#endregion Fields
#region Constructors (1)
public clsPhoneNumber()
_errMsg = "";
_phoneNumbers_PK = 0;
_phoneTypes_FK = 0;
_phoneType = "";
_phoneNumber = "";
_contacts_FK = 0;
#endregion Constructors
#region Properties (4)
public int ContactsFk
get { return _contacts_FK; }
set { _contacts_FK = value; }
public string ErrMsg
get { return _errMsg; }
set { _errMsg = value; }
public string PhoneNumber
get { return _phoneNumber; }
set { _phoneNumber = SAPSCommon.Instance.StripNonNumerics(value); }
public int PhoneNumbersPK
get { return _phoneNumbers_PK; }
set { _phoneNumbers_PK = value; }
public int PhoneTypesFK
get { return _phoneTypes_FK; }
set { _phoneTypes_FK = value; }
public string PhoneType
get { return _phoneType; }
#endregion Properties
#region Methods (2)
// Public Methods (1)
/// <summary>
/// Get the Notes for the specified key
/// </summary>
/// <param name="TableID">The Table Primary Key</param>
/// <returns>An Object containing data for the specified Primary Key</returns>
public clsPhoneNumber GetData(int TableID)
AssignProperties(SAPSCommon.Instance.ReadTable("PhoneNumbers", "PN_PhoneNumbers_PK", TableID));
return this;
// Private Methods (1)
/// <summary>
/// Assigns the table's data to the properties of the Data Object.
/// This method must be hand coded for each table.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ds">A Dataset containing the data record read from the Table</param>
private void AssignProperties(DataSet ds)
//Assign properties with database data
//Primary Key for Table
_phoneNumbers_PK = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].Field<int>("PN_PhoneNumbers_PK");
//The rest of the data fields
_contacts_FK = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].Field<int>("PN_Contacts_FK");
_phoneNumber = FormatPhoneNumber(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].Field<string>("PN_PhoneNum"));
_phoneTypes_FK = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0].Field<int>("PN_PhoneTypes_FK");
//Follow links of Foreign Keys
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
string sqlSelect =
"SELECT PT_Description FROM Pensions.dbo.PhoneTypes WHERE PT_PhoneTypes_PK = '{0}'",
dt = SQLCommon.Instance.SQLSelect(sqlSelect);
_phoneType = dt.Rows[0].Field<string>("PT_Description");
catch (Exception e)
_errMsg = e.Message;
/// <summary>
/// Format an Australian Phone number
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Num">Phone Number to format in string format</param>
/// <returns>Formatted Phone Number</returns>
private string FormatPhoneNumber(string Num)
if (Num.Substring(0, 2) == "04") //Mobile Number
return string.Format("{0:0### ### ###}", Convert.ToInt64(Num));
return string.Format("{0:(0#) #### ####}", Convert.ToInt64(Num));
#endregion Methods
public string Update()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("UPDATE [");
sb.Append("].[dbo].[PhoneNumbers] SET PN_Contacts_FK='");
sb.Append("', PN_PhoneTypes_FK='");
sb.Append("', PN_PhoneNum='");
sb.Append("' WHERE PN_PhoneNumbers_PK='");
_errMsg = SQLCommon.Instance.SQLUpdate(sb.ToString());
return _errMsg;
private void PopulatePhoneNumbers(clsContacts contacts)
//Create the 1st column as a textbox for the Phone Number
DataGridViewTextBoxColumn tb = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn();
tb.Name = "PhoneNumber";
tb.DataPropertyName = "PhoneNumber"; //This is the name of the PhoneNumber object Property for Phone Number
//Create 2nd column as combobox for PhoneType
DataGridViewComboBoxColumn cb = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn();
cb.Name = "PhoneTypes";
cb.DataPropertyName = "PhoneTypesFK"; //This is the name of the PhoneNumber object Property for Phone Type
//Bind the cb to the table
string sqlQuery = "SELECT PT_PhoneTypes_PK, PT_Description " +
"FROM [Pensions].[dbo].[PhoneTypes] ";
DataTable dtPhoneTypes = SQLCommon.Instance.SQLSelect(sqlQuery);
cb.DataSource = dtPhoneTypes;
cb.ValueMember = dtPhoneTypes.Columns["PT_PhoneTypes_PK"].ColumnName;
cb.DisplayMember = dtPhoneTypes.Columns["PT_Description"].ColumnName;
uxContactPhoneNumbersGrd.AutoGenerateColumns = false;
if (contacts.PhoneNumbers != null)
//Show how many phone numbers
uxContactPhoneNumbersLbl.Text = string.Format("Phone Numbers ({0})", contacts.PhoneNumbers.Count);
uxContactPhoneNumbersLbl.Visible = true;
//Fill Grid
uxContactPhoneNumbersGrd.DataSource = contacts.PhoneNumbers;
//Hide non-required columns/rows
uxContactPhoneNumbersGrd.RowHeadersVisible = false;
//Adjust text column size and auto wrap
uxContactPhoneNumbersGrd.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill;
uxContactPhoneNumbersGrd.AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.AllCells;