$myGrid.jqGrid('setColProp', 'column1', { width: 300 });
$myGrid.jqGrid('setColProp', 'column1', { width: 80 });
$myGrid.jqGrid('setColProp', 'column1', { width: 300 });
$myGrid.jqGrid('setColProp', 'column1', { width: 80 });
$(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
$('span.ui-jqgrid-resize').dblclick(function () {
var id = jQuery(this).parent().attr('id'); // First get the ID of the column that this separator belongs to. This is a tag with an ID for the column.
var colName = id.split('_')[1];
var testDiv = jQuery('#stringWidth'); // Test DIV for measuring string widths
testDiv.addClass('ui-jqgrid ui-jqgrid-htable ui-jqgrid-sortable ui-th-column ui-state-hover ui-widget-content ui-widget-header ui-state-focus'); // Assign jqGrid header style classes
var padding = parseInt(jQuery(jQuery(this).parent()).css('padding-left')) + parseInt(jQuery(jQuery(this).parent()).css('padding-right')); // Calculate jqGrid header padding
testDiv.html(jQuery(jQuery(this).parent()).html()); // Assign jqGrid header text to test DIV
var nw = testDiv.width() + padding; // Calculate jqGrid header text width
testDiv.removeClass('ui-jqgrid ui-jqgrid-htable ui-jqgrid-sortable ui-th-column ui-state-hover ui-widget-content ui-widget-header ui-state-focus'); // De-assign jqGrid header style classes
testDiv.addClass('ui-jqgrid ui-row-ltr jqgrow ui-widget-content'); // Assign jqGrid cell style classes
jQuery.each(jQuery('td[aria-describedby=' + id + ']'), function () // Iterate over all of the rows and figure out which row is the widest.
padding = parseInt(jQuery(this).css('padding-left')) + parseInt(jQuery(this).css('padding-right')); // Calculate jqGrid cell padding
testDiv.html(jQuery(this).html()); // Assign jqGrid cell text to test DIV
w = testDiv.width() + padding; // Calculate jqGrid cell text width
if (w > nw) { nw = w; }
// Code below adapted from the grid's "dragEnd" event handler
var ts = jQuery('#grid')[0];
var grid = ts.grid;
var p = ts.p;
var idx = jQuery.jgrid.getCellIndex(jQuery(this).parent());
jQuery("#rs_m" + jQuery.jgrid.jqID(p.id)).css("display", "none");
p.colModel[idx].width = nw;
grid.headers[idx].width = nw;
grid.headers[idx].el.style.width = nw + "px";
grid.cols[idx].style.width = nw + "px";
if (grid.footers.length > 0) { grid.footers[idx].style.width = nw + "px"; }
if (p.forceFit === true) {
nw = grid.headers[idx + p.nv].newWidth || grid.headers[idx + p.nv].width;
grid.headers[idx + p.nv].width = nw;
grid.headers[idx + p.nv].el.style.width = nw + "px";
grid.cols[idx + p.nv].style.width = nw + "px";
if (grid.footers.length > 0) { grid.footers[idx + p.nv].style.width = nw + "px"; }
p.colModel[idx + p.nv].width = nw;
else {
jQuery('table:first', grid.bDiv).css("width", p.tblwidth + "px");
jQuery('table:first', grid.hDiv).css("width", p.tblwidth + "px");
grid.hDiv.scrollLeft = grid.bDiv.scrollLeft;
if (p.footerrow) {
jQuery('table:first', grid.sDiv).css("width", p.tblwidth + "px");
grid.sDiv.scrollLeft = grid.bDiv.scrollLeft;
}, 10);