このテキストの下に、Arukoneパズルを作成するためのコードがいくつかあります。しかし、問題があります。ポリモーフィックデータ型Puzzle a
ただし、Showクラスのインスタンスを使用したパズルタイプが必要です(を使用しderiving Show
class ToChar a where
toChar :: a -> Char
instance ToChar Char where
toChar = id
instance ToChar Int where
toChar = head . show
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
data Size = Size Int Int deriving (Eq, Show)
data Pos = Pos Int Int deriving (Eq, Show)
data Link l = Link l Pos Pos
data Puzzle l = Puzzle Size [Link l]
assign :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
assign 0 v (_:vs) = v:vs
assign n v (v’:vs) = v’: assign (n - 1) v vs
assign2 :: Int -> Int -> a -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
assign2 r c v vs = assign r (assign c v (vs !! r)) vs
assignPos :: Pos -> a -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
assignPos (Pos r c) = assign2 (r-1) (c-1)
tabulate :: Int -> (Int -> a) -> [a]
tabulate 0 _ = []
tabulate i f = f 0 : tabulate (i - 1) (f . (+1))
tabulate2 :: Int -> Int -> (Int -> Int -> a) -> [[a]]
tabulate2 b h f = tabulate h (\r -> tabulate b (\c -> f r c))
tabulatePos :: Size -> (Pos -> a) -> [[a]]
tabulatePos (Size h b) f = tabulate2 b h (\r c -> f (Pos (r +1) (c + 1)))
showPuzzle :: Puzzle a -> [[Maybe a]]
showPuzzle (Puzzle sz links) = tabulatePos sz findPosMaybe
where findPosMaybe pos = -- edit: findPosMaybe needs to be further left than the next line
listToMaybe [l | Link l pos1 pos2 <- links, pos1 == pos || pos2 == pos]
*Main> show (Puzzle (Size 2 3) [Link 1 (Pos 1 1) (Pos 1 3), Link 2 (Pos 2 1) (Pos 2 3)])
"1 1\n2 2"
*Main> show (Puzzel (Size 5 5) [Link ’a’ (Pos 3 1) (Pos 4 3), Link ’b’ (Pos 5 1) (Pos 1 5), Link ’c’ (Pos 2 5) (Pos 5 5), Link ’d’ (Pos 4 1) (Pos 2 2)])
" b\n d c\na \nd a \nb c" <-- result -- remarks the spaces
d c
d a
b c