複数の PointPoint デッキをマージしたいのですが、すべてのデッキに含まれるスライドが 30 以下の場合、マージは正常に機能します。いずれかのデッキに 30 を超えるスライドが含まれている場合、PowerPoint は修復メッセージを発行します。OpenXML SDK ツールの検証が役に立ちません。次のコードを使用してマージを行っていますか、または役立つ他のライブラリはありますか?
public class SlideMerger
#region variables
uint uniqueId;
int partId = 0;
List<string> mergingParts = new List<string>() { "introPart" ,"productsPart", "priceGridsPart", "closingPart", "contactPart" };
#region methods
public void MergeSlides(List<MemoryStream> sourceDecks, MemoryStream destDeck)
foreach (var sourcePresentation in sourceDecks)
MergeSlides(sourcePresentation, destDeck);
void MergeSlides(MemoryStream sourcePresentation, MemoryStream destPresentation)
int id = 0;
// Open the destination presentation.
using (PresentationDocument DestDeck = PresentationDocument.Open(destPresentation, true))
PresentationPart destPresPart = DestDeck.PresentationPart;
// If the merged presentation doesn't have a SlideIdList element yet then add it.
if (destPresPart.Presentation.SlideIdList == null)
destPresPart.Presentation.SlideIdList = new SlideIdList();
// Open the source presentation. This will throw an exception if the source presentation does not exist.
using (PresentationDocument SourceDeck = PresentationDocument.Open(sourcePresentation, false))
PresentationPart sourcePresPart = SourceDeck.PresentationPart;
// Get unique ids for the slide master and slide lists for use later.
uniqueId = GetMaxSlideMasterId(destPresPart.Presentation.SlideMasterIdList);
uint maxSlideId = GetMaxSlideId(destPresPart.Presentation.SlideIdList);
// Copy each slide in the source presentation in order to the destination presentation.
foreach (SlideId slideId in sourcePresPart.Presentation.SlideIdList)
SlidePart sp;
SlidePart destSp;
SlideMasterPart destMasterPart;
string relId;
SlideMasterId newSlideMasterId;
SlideId newSlideId;
// Create a unique relationship id.
sp = (SlidePart)sourcePresPart.GetPartById(slideId.RelationshipId);
relId = mergingParts[partId] + id;
// Add the slide part to the destination presentation.
destSp = destPresPart.AddPart<SlidePart>(sp, relId);
// The master part was added. Make sure the relationship is in place.
destMasterPart = destSp.SlideLayoutPart.SlideMasterPart;
// Add slide master to slide master list.
newSlideMasterId = new SlideMasterId();
newSlideMasterId.RelationshipId = destPresPart.GetIdOfPart(destMasterPart);
newSlideMasterId.Id = uniqueId;
// Add slide to slide list.
newSlideId = new SlideId();
newSlideId.RelationshipId = relId;
newSlideId.Id = maxSlideId;
// Make sure all slide ids are unique.
// Save the changes to the destination deck.
void FixSlideLayoutIds(PresentationPart presPart)
// Make sure all slide layouts have unique ids.
foreach (SlideMasterPart slideMasterPart in presPart.SlideMasterParts)
foreach (SlideLayoutId slideLayoutId in slideMasterPart.SlideMaster.SlideLayoutIdList)
slideLayoutId.Id = (uint)uniqueId;
uint GetMaxSlideId(SlideIdList slideIdList)
// Slide identifiers have a minimum value of greater than or equal to 256
// and a maximum value of less than 2147483648.
uint max = 256;
if (slideIdList != null)
// Get the maximum id value from the current set of children.
foreach (SlideId child in slideIdList.Elements<SlideId>())
uint id = child.Id;
if (id > max)
max = id;
return max;
uint GetMaxSlideMasterId(SlideMasterIdList slideMasterIdList)
// Slide master identifiers have a minimum value of greater than or equal to 2147483648.
uint max = 2147483648;
if (slideMasterIdList != null)
// Get the maximum id value from the current set of children.
foreach (SlideMasterId child in slideMasterIdList.Elements<SlideMasterId>())
uint id = child.Id;
if (id > max)
max = id;
return max;