public class MagazineList {
private MagazineNode list;
private Object obj;
public MagazineList(){
list = null;
public void add(Magazine mag){
MagazineNode node = new MagazineNode(mag);
MagazineNode current;
list = node;
current = list;
while(current.next != null)
current = current.next;
current.next = node;
public void insert(Magazine mag)
MagazineNode node = new MagazineNode (mag);
// make the new first node point to the current root
// update the root to the new first node
public void deleteAll(){
if(list == null){
list = null;
public void delete (Magazine mag) {
MagazineNode current = this.list;
MagazineNode before;
//if is the first element
if (current.equals(mag)) {
this.list = current.next;
return; //ending the method
before = current;
//while there are elements in the list
while ((current = current.next) != null) {
//if is the current element
if (current.equals(mag)) {
before.next = current.next;
return; //endind the method
before = current;
//it isnt in the list
public boolean equals(Object other) {
System.out.println("Here in equals" + other + this);
// Not strictly necessary, but often a good optimization
if (this == other)
return true;
return false;
@ Override
public String toString(){
String result = " ";
MagazineNode current = list;
while (current != null){
result += current.magazine + "\n";
current = current.next;
return result;
private class MagazineNode {
public Magazine magazine;
public MagazineNode next;
public MagazineNode(Magazine mag){
magazine = mag;
next = null;