Silverlight 用の優れたリッチ テキスト コントロールを探しています。codeplex のものは古くなっているようで、vectorlight で見た別の無料のものは RTF として保存されていないようです (カスタム xml を使用しています)、または印刷機能がありません。

Telerik、ComponentOne、または DevExpress のリッチ テキスト コントロールにお金を払うことを考えています。これらはすべてバンドルされているため、高価に見えます。

誰かが上記の製品または非常に役立つ別の製品に関する推奨事項を持っている場合. ありがとう。


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[Full Disclosure: I work for Telerik.]

Rich text editing support in Silverlight is a challenge at the moment due to limits in the Silverlight plug-in. The plug-in does not yet expose a good way to work with rich text, and it also lacks any support for printing. These are features that the core SL plug-in team are working on, so I expect that by late this year, early next we'll have a plug-in much more capable of supporting rich text editing.

In the mean time, Telerik does have a basic rich text editor for manipulating HTML. We rely on the Silverlight DOM integration to provide rich HTML editing support in Silverlight, but it is a good itermediate solution, espeically if your text is HTML formatted. Details: RadEditor for Silverlight

Longer term, you can expect to see a complete rich text editor from Telerik that will leverage Silvelright's native editing APIs (when they are eventually added to the plug-in). We think these enhancements are around the corner, so we're waiting for that instead of jumping the gun with a proprietary rich text editing layer that will be quickly rendered obsolete by the framework.

Hope that helps clarify the Silverlight rich text editing / printing picture today.

You can check out the requests for RTF support in Silverlight 4 in this Silverlight.net forum thread:Silverlight 4 Wishlist

于 2009-09-08T20:29:20.600 に答える