


この関数を評価する必要がありますt in range(1, 13)


   print [1.2381648958643592 + \
          153.55656654019816 * t +\
          22.99318731025164 * (t**2) +\
          11.060577906796075 * (t**3) +\
          -1.3465054084767891 * (t**4) + \
          0.016926765998876842 * (t**5) +\
          0.001500086893490721 * (t**6) for t in range(1, 13)]



5 に答える 5


パフォーマンスが大きな問題ではない場合 (12 点でしか評価していない場合は、そうではないと思います)、便利なsympyライブラリを活用して多くの作業を行うことができます。例えば:

>>> import sympy
>>> sympy.sympify("t**5 - t + 3")
t**5 - t + 3
>>> sympy.sympify("t**5 - t + 3").subs({"t": 10})


import sympy

def definition_to_function(s):
    lhs, rhs = s.split("=", 1)
    rhs = rhs.rstrip('; ')
    args = sympy.sympify(lhs).args
    f = sympy.sympify(rhs)
    def f_func(*passed_args):
        argdict = dict(zip(args, passed_args))
        result = f.subs(argdict)
        return float(result)
    return f_func


>>> s = "f(t)=(2.128795454425367)+(208.54359721863273)*t+(26.098128487929266)*t^2+(3.34369909584111)*t^3+(-0.3450228278737971)*t^4+(-0.018630757967458885)*t^5+(0.0015029038553239819)*t^6;"
>>> f = definition_to_function(s)
>>> f(0)
>>> f(10)
>>> f = definition_to_function("f(a,b,c) = sin(a)+3*b-4*c")
>>> f(1,2,3)
>>> import math
>>> math.sin(1)+3*2-4*3
于 2012-12-05T23:07:55.150 に答える

関数を python expersion としてデータベースに保存できます。文字列を取得したら、 eval(funcstr.replace('x', 'yvalue')) のようなことを行います。


funcstr = '2*x+5'
evalpoint = funcstr.replace('x', '5')
val = eval(funcstr)

この時点で、val は 15 に評価されます。

于 2012-12-05T22:30:21.893 に答える

ソースが信頼できる場合は、regex と eval を使用して次のようにできます。

# deletes the simicolon and everything before the space
my_str = start_str.split('=')[1][:-1]
# change ^ to ** because that's the squared operator
my_str = re.sub('\^', '**', my_str)
# substitute the t for the numbers 1 to 13 and evaluate the string
results = [eval(re.sub('t', str(t), my_str)) for t in range(1,13)]
于 2012-12-05T22:40:01.093 に答える


import re

s = "f(t)=(2.128795454425367)+(208.54359721863273)*t+(26.098128487929266)*t^2\

def f(t):
    l = map(float, re.findall("-?\\d+\\.\\d+", s))
    return sum(b * t**a for a,b in enumerate(l))

print map(f, xrange(1,13))
[239.75206957484252, 544.337732955938, 921.544112756058, 1366.6221363666925, 1864.8848673959649, 2393.2591324279497, 2922.9192385578326, 3423.0027817028927, 3865.4085456893295, 4230.676492114911, 4514.949840987468, 4738.019242139209]


c0 + c1 t + c2 t^2 + c3 t^4 + ... cn t^(n+1)

文字列から浮動小数点数を抽出し、それらを使用して実際の Python 関数を生成します。

于 2012-12-05T22:22:52.263 に答える

As NPE says, the right answer here is to write a parser (and simple interpreter) for your expression language.

Or, even better, if at all possible, generate the expressions in Python in the first place, instead of in a language which is almost but not quite compatible with a subset of Python.

Or, even better, if the language is just a way to represent the list of coefficients for a polynomial, just represent it as a list of coefficients, which will be a lot easier to parse than any actual general-purpose language. For example, let's say the database held this:

2.128795454425367, 208.54359721863273, 26.098128487929266, 3.34369909584111, -0.3450228278737971, -0.018630757967458885, 0.0015029038553239819

Then, to execute that in Python, you'd do this:

def eval_polynomial(polynomial, value):
    coefficients = [float(x.strip()) for x in polynomial.split(',')]
    return sum(coefficient * (value**exponent) 
               for exponent, coefficient in enumerate(coefficients))


>>> [eval_polynomial(expr, t) for t in range(1, 13)]

But if you really, really want to do this without changing what's in the database, you could just transform it into a Python expression and eval it:

>>> expr = 'f(t)=(2.128795454425367)+(208.54359721863273)*t+(26.098128487929266)*t^2+(3.34369909584111)*t^3+(-0.3450228278737971)*t^4+(-0.018630757967458885)*t^5+(0.0015029038553239819)*t^6;'
>>> removef = re.sub(r'f\((\w+)\)=', 'lambda \1: ', expr)
>>> fixpower = re.sub(r'(\w+)\^(\d+)', r'(\1**\2)', removef)
>>> nosemi = fixpower.replace(';', '')
>>> func = eval(nosemi)
>>> [func(t) for t in range(1, 13)]
[239.75206957484252, 544.337732955938, 921.544112756058, 1366.6221363666925, 1864.8848673959649, 2393.2591324279497, 2922.9192385578326, 3423.0027817028927, 3865.4085456893295, 4230.676492114911, 4514.949840987468, 4738.019242139209]

But again, you probably don't want to do this.

And, if you do, you probably want to write a transformer that works on your actual language, rather than on a stab-in-the-dark guess at your language based on a single example…</p>

于 2012-12-05T22:33:33.093 に答える