
<p:dataTable var="car" value="#{cart.cartItems}" rendered="#{not empty cart.cartItems}">
<p:columnGroup type="footer">
                    <p:column colspan="3" footerText="Wallet Balance (#{cart.displayWalletAmount}) " style="text-align:right" />
                        <p:panel id="walPayPanel">
                            <p:inputText value="#{cart.payWalletAmount}" maxlength="7"  size="5" id="walAmount" />
                            <p:spacer width="10" />
                            <p:commandButton actionListener="#{cart.updateTotalAmount}" update="totPay,totPaybel" id="iconOnly" title="update" icon="ui-icon-refresh" />


                    <p:column colspan="3" footerText="Total Payble: "  style="text-align:right"  />  
                    <p:column><p:panel id="totPay"><h:outputText  id="totPaybel" value="#{cart.totalPayble}"/></p:panel> </p:column>                  



これは Bean 内の関連コードであり、

public void updateTotalAmount() {
    log.info("Entering updateTotalAmount()");
            log.info("Pay wallet Amount : "+payWalletAmount);
        // Double total = getCartTotal();
        if (payWalletAmount < 0.0) {
            FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR,
                    "Wallet Amount cannot be a minus value", null);
            FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, message);

        } else if (payWalletAmount > (walletAmount)) {
            FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR,
                    "Wallet amount cannot be exceeded the available balance", null);
            FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, message);



興味深いことに、コマンド ボタンの上にデータ テーブルの外に配置すると、アクション リッスンが起動されます。bean メソッドに Actionevent パラメータを追加しても動作しません。誰かがこの問題を解決する方法を教えてもらえますか? コマンド ボタンをデータ テーブルまたは columnGroup の外に移動せずにこれを行うことはできますか?


2 に答える 2


There are two possible things that could help you. One is adding '()' to your actionListener. Some people previously reported that this can fix the problem:

<p:commandButton actionListener="#{cart.updateTotalAmount()}" update="totPay,totPaybel" id="iconOnly" title="update" icon="ui-icon-refresh" />

The other suspicious thing is your update statement. Try removing it and see if the button works. If it does, that means that you probably have to change it to: update=":totPay,:totPaybel"

Let me know if it helped, if not I will try to come up with other possible solutions.

Edit 1:

I have noticed similar problem recently that I managed to solve by changing the method signature to:

public void updateTotalAmount(AjaxBehaviorEvent event)

and keeping the listener:

 <p:commandButton actionListener="#{cart.updateTotalAmount}" update="totPay,totPaybel" id="iconOnly" title="update" icon="ui-icon-refresh" />

Also make sure that your bean is still alive (ViewScoped for example).

Did you manage to fix your problem differently?

于 2012-12-06T10:05:44.097 に答える