I use MySQL and trying to write a PHP script for my school project.
There is one table named lessons contains this columns:
I also have two different tables for notes and announcements announcements and notes tables contains these columns:
I need to order both announcements and notes from latest to oldest by createdtime but also need to show all lessons a student takes.
For example: A students takes maths and physics lessons. I need to display him/her both notes and announcements for both of physics and maths and all items should be ordered by date. (like a timeline.) And of course I will not show him/her the notes and announcements for chemistry lesson. Also it will be good if I can say it is note or announcement on the list.
Can you help me to write SQL and PHP code for that? Thanks.
EDIT: This is where I have stuck: I have combined two tables and ordered them by date. But can't combine them with the lessons a student take.
SELECT title, created, lessonid FROM (SELECT title, created, lessonid FROM notes UNION SELECT title, created, lessonid FROM announcements) as a ORDER BY created DESC