


私の目標は、QUERY 2を変更して、各アイテムの1を除くすべてのnull価格行を削除することです。パフォーマンスに影響を与えずにこれを行うことはできないようです。これは、MySQLでのインデックスの使用に関する経験と理解が不足しているためです。



SELECT b.id, b.sv, b.description, der.store_id, f.name, der.price
FROM tbl_watch AS a
    LEFT JOIN tbl_item AS b ON a.item_id = b.id
    SELECT c.store_id, d.flyer_id, e.item_id, e.price
    FROM tbl_storewatch AS c, tbl_storeflyer AS d
    FORCE INDEX ( storebeg_ndx ) , tbl_sale AS e
    WHERE c.user_id = '$user_id'
    AND (
        d.store_id = c.store_id
        AND d.date_beg = '20121206'
    AND e.flyer_id = d.flyer_id
        ) AS der ON a.item_id = der.item_id
LEFT JOIN tbl_store as f ON der.store_id = f.id
WHERE a.user_id = '$user_id'
ORDER BY b.description ASC


id  select_type table       type    possible_keys   key             key_len     ref     rows    Extra
1   PRIMARY     a           ref     user_item_ndx   user_item_ndx   4           const   30  Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort
1   PRIMARY     b           eq_ref  PRIMARY         PRIMARY         4           a.item_id   1   
1   PRIMARY     <derived2>  ALL     NULL            NULL            NULL        NULL    300     
1   PRIMARY     f           eq_ref  PRIMARY         PRIMARY         4           der.store_id    1   
2   DERIVED     c           ref     user_ndx        user_ndx        4                   6   
2   DERIVED     e           ALL     NULL            NULL    NULL    NULL                9473    Using join buffer
2   DERIVED     d           eq_ref  storebeg_ndx    storebeg_ndx    8           c.store_id  1   Using where


非常に効率的なすべての左結合を使用します(ORDER BYを除く)。インデックスはすべての結合で使用されます。このクエリは、tbl_watch内のすべてのアイテムに対して可能なすべての一致を返します。クエリは次のとおりです。

SELECT b.id, b.sv, b.description, c.store_id, f.name, e.price
FROM tbl_watch AS a
LEFT JOIN tbl_item AS b ON a.item_id = b.id
LEFT JOIN tbl_storewatch AS c ON c.user_id = '$user_id'
LEFT JOIN tbl_storeflyer AS d ON d.store_id = c.store_id
    AND d.date_beg = '$s_date'
LEFT JOIN tbl_sale AS e ON e.item_id = a.item_id
    AND e.flyer_id = d.flyer_id 
LEFT JOIN tbl_store as f ON d.store_id = f.id
WHERE a.user_id = '$user_id'
ORDER BY b.description ASC


id  select_type     table   type    possible_keys           key             key_len     ref                     rows    Extra
1   SIMPLE          a       ref     user_item_ndx           user_item_ndx   4           const                   6       Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort
1   SIMPLE          b       eq_ref  PRIMARY                 PRIMARY         4           a.item_id               1   
1   SIMPLE          c       ref     user_ndx                user_ndx        4           const                   2   
1   SIMPLE          d       eq_ref  storebeg_ndx,storendx   storebeg_ndx    8           c.store_id,const        1   
1   SIMPLE          e       eq_ref  itemflyer_ndx           itemflyer_ndx   8           a.item_id,d.flyer_id    1   
1   SIMPLE          f       eq_ref  PRIMARY                 PRIMARY         4           d.store_id              1   

QUERY 2(より効率的)を変更して、QUERY 1のように必要な行だけを処理するにはどうすればよいですか?



2 に答える 2



select a.id, a.sv, a.description, c.id, c.name, b.price
    tbl_item a left outer join tbl_sale b on (a.id=b.item_id)
      left outer join tbl_storeflyer d on (b.flyer_id=d.flyer_id and d.date_beg = '20120801')
      left outer join tbl_store c on (d.store_id = c.id)
      left outer join tbl_storewatch x on (c.id = x.store_id)
      left outer join tbl_watch y on (a.id = y.item_id);


 select a.id, a.sv, a.description, c.id as store_id, c.name, b.price
    tbl_item a,
    tbl_sale b,
    tbl_storeflyer d,
    tbl_store c,
    tbl_storewatch x,
    tbl_watch y
    a.id = b.item_id and
    b.flyer_id = d.flyer_id and
    d.store_id = c.id and
    c.id = x.store_id and
    a.id = y.item_id and
    d.date_beg = '20120801'
 select a.id, a.sv, a.description, null as store_id, null as name, null as price
    tbl_item a
    a.id not in (select b.item_id from tbl_sale b);


于 2012-12-08T11:07:15.847 に答える

クエリ 1 のサブセレクトは暗黙的な内部結合を使用していますが、クエリ 2 はすべての左結合の明示的な結合を使用しています。したがって、クエリ 2 にはデータを除外する where 句はありません。LEFT を数行 (マークされているように) 取り出して、これがどのように改善されるかを確認します。

SELECT b.id, b.sv, b.description, c.store_id, f.name, e.price
FROM tbl_watch AS a
LEFT JOIN tbl_item AS b ON a.item_id = b.id
LEFT JOIN tbl_storewatch AS c ON c.user_id = '$user_id'
-- Left removed below
JOIN tbl_storeflyer AS d ON d.store_id = c.store_id
    AND d.date_beg = '$s_date'
-- Left removed below
JOIN tbl_sale AS e ON e.item_id = a.item_id
    AND e.flyer_id = d.flyer_id 
LEFT JOIN tbl_store as f ON d.store_id = f.id
WHERE a.user_id = '$user_id'
ORDER BY b.description ASC`

また、結合から and 句を取り出して、それらを WHERE に移動することを検討することもできます。

SELECT b.id, b.sv, b.description, c.store_id, f.name, e.price
FROM tbl_watch AS a
LEFT JOIN tbl_item AS b ON a.item_id = b.id
LEFT JOIN tbl_storewatch AS c ON c.user_id = '$user_id'
JOIN tbl_storeflyer AS d ON d.store_id = c.store_id
JOIN tbl_sale AS e ON e.item_id = a.item_id
LEFT JOIN tbl_store as f ON d.store_id = f.id
WHERE a.user_id = '$user_id'
AND d.date_beg = '$s_date'
AND e.flyer_id = d.flyer_id 
ORDER BY b.description ASC

最後に、日付計算はかなり集中的です。クエリ 2 では、外部結合を使用して多くのことを回避していますが、必要になる場合もあります。サブクエリを使用して ID を取得し、それによって制限しようとします。

SELECT b.id, b.sv, b.description, c.store_id, f.name, e.price
FROM tbl_watch AS a
LEFT JOIN tbl_item AS b ON a.item_id = b.id
LEFT JOIN tbl_storewatch AS c ON c.user_id = '$user_id'
JOIN tbl_storeflyer AS d ON d.store_id = c.store_id
JOIN tbl_sale AS e ON e.item_id = a.item_id
LEFT JOIN tbl_store as f ON d.store_id = f.id
WHERE a.user_id = '$user_id'
AND e.flyer_id = d.flyer_id 
AND d.id in  (select d.id from d where date_beg = '$s_date')
ORDER BY b.description ASC
于 2012-12-08T07:01:11.197 に答える