// provide both the required types as template parameters
template<bool condition, typename FirstType, typename SecondType>
class License {};
// then do a partial specialization to choose either of two types
template<typename FirstType, typename SecondType>
class License<true, FirstType, SecondType> {
public: typedef FirstType TYPE; // chosen when condition is true
template<typename FirstType, typename SecondType>
class License<false, FirstType, SecondType> {
public: typedef SecondType TYPE; // chosen when condition is false
class Standard {
public: string getLicense() { return "Standard"; }
class Premium {
public: string getLicense() { return "Premium"; }
const bool standard = true;
const bool premium = false;
// now choose the required base type in the first template parameter
class User1 : public License<standard, Standard, Premium>::TYPE {};
class User2 : public License<premium, Standard, Premium>::TYPE {};
int main() {
User1 u1;
cout << u1.getLicense() << endl; // calls Standard::getLicense();
User2 u2;
cout << u2.getLicense() << endl; // calls Premium::getLicense();