私のコードが少し乱雑であることは承知していますが、できるだけ詳しく説明するように努めます。コードは TicTacToe ゲームを作成しています。gameBoard() であるゲーム ボードを作成するために配列を使用しています。ユーザーは常に X ですが、コンピューターは常に O です。ユーザー入力とコンピューター入力の if ステートメントを作成しました。違いは、コンピューターは java.util.Random から番号を取得することです。if ステートメントはユーザーの入力を取得し、コンピューターと同じように、ボード上の指定された場所に X を出力します。ここでの問題は、ランダム ジェネレーターが X が既に存在するスペースを選択した場合、それが重複し、その逆の場合です。別の乱数を生成するようにコンピューターに密かに指示するプログラムが必要です。あなたが助けることができれば、それは素晴らしいことです。説明が大きくてすみません。
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Random;
public class TicTacToeGame {
static String arrayPicture[][]; //Array is universal so we can include it into any method
static int userInput;
static boolean validInput = false;
static String name;
public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException {
System.out.println ("Please enter your name:");
name = gameStart("");
arrayPicture = new String [13][13];
for (int i = 0; i < 13; i ++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 13; j ++) {
arrayPicture [i][j] = " "; //Print spaces into the array
while (validInput == false) {
System.out.println ("Computer, please enter your number");
validInput = false;
public static void verticalLine (int x1, int y1, int x2) {
for (int k = x1; k < x2; k ++) {
arrayPicture [y1][k] = "|"; //if y1 and k are present, print a vertical line in the array
public static void horizontalLine (int x1, int y1, int x2) {
for (int k = x1; k < x2; k ++) {
arrayPicture [y1][k] = "-"; //if y1 and k are present, print a dash in the array
public static void printArray () {
for (int i = 0; i < 13; i ++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 13; j ++) {
System.out.print (arrayPicture[i][j]);
public static String gameStart (String input) throws IOException {
boolean validInput = false;
BufferedReader userInput = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(System.in));
while (validInput == false) {
input = userInput.readLine();
validInput = true;
System.out.println ("The name of the game is TicTacToe, you will always be the letter X.");
System.out.println ("Please choose the coordinates you wish. The coordinates are where your X will be placed on the game board.");
return input;
public static void validX () throws IOException {
String input = null;
System.out.println (name + ", please enter your number");
try {
BufferedReader columnNumber = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(System.in));//BufferedReader variable where the user will input their answer
input = columnNumber.readLine();
userInput = Integer.parseInt (input);
validInput = true;
//If an exception is present, the try sends it to catch.
//Ex. If the user in\puts "bob has a cat" the try will find an exception and immediately send it to the catch statement
catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
System.out.println ("Invalid input, please enter a number.");
validInput = false;
if (userInput == 1) {
userInputX (2, 2, 3);
else if (userInput == 2) {
userInputX (6, 2, 7);
else if (userInput == 3) {
userInputX (10, 2, 11);
else if (userInput == 4) {
userInputX (2, 6, 3);
else if (userInput == 5) {
userInputX (6, 6, 7);
else if (userInput == 6) {
userInputX (10, 6, 11);
else if (userInput == 7) {
userInputX (2, 10, 3);
else if (userInput == 8) {
userInputX (6, 10, 7);
else if (userInput == 9) {
userInputX (10, 10, 11);
public static void cpuinputO (int x1, int y1, int x2) throws IOException {
for (int k = x1; k < x2; k ++) {
arrayPicture [y1][k] = "O"; //if y1 and k are present, print a dash in the array
public static void userInputX (int x1, int y1, int x2) {
for (int k = x1; k < x2; k ++) {
arrayPicture [y1][k] = "X"; //if y1 and k are present, print a dash in the array
public static void userPlacement () throws IOException {
if (userInput == 1) {
userInputX (2, 2, 3);
else if (userInput == 2) {
userInputX (6, 2, 7);
else if (userInput == 3) {
userInputX (10, 2, 11);
else if (userInput == 4) {
userInputX (2, 6, 3);
else if (userInput == 5) {
userInputX (6, 6, 7);
else if (userInput == 6) {
userInputX (10, 6, 11);
else if (userInput == 7) {
userInputX (2, 10, 3);
else if (userInput == 8) {
userInputX (6, 10, 7);
else if (userInput == 9) {
userInputX (10, 10, 11);
public static void cpuPlacement () throws IOException {
Random random = new Random();
int cpuCoordinates = random.nextInt(10);
System.out.println (cpuCoordinates);
boolean validInput0 = false;
if (validInput0 == true) {
if (cpuCoordinates < 1) {
validInput0 = false;
else if (cpuCoordinates == 1) {
cpuinputO (2, 2, 3);
else if (cpuCoordinates == 2) {
cpuinputO (6, 2, 7);
else if (cpuCoordinates == 3) {
cpuinputO (10, 2, 11);
else if (cpuCoordinates == 4) {
cpuinputO (2, 6, 3);
else if (cpuCoordinates == 5) {
cpuinputO (6, 6, 7);
else if (cpuCoordinates == 6) {
cpuinputO (10, 6, 11);
else if (cpuCoordinates == 7) {
cpuinputO (2, 10, 3);
else if (cpuCoordinates == 8) {
cpuinputO (6, 10, 7);
else if (cpuCoordinates == 9) {
cpuinputO (10, 10, 11);
public static void gameBoard () throws IOException {
System.out.println (" ");
horizontalLine (1, 0, 4); horizontalLine (5, 0, 8); horizontalLine (9, 0, 12);
verticalLine (0, 1, 1); verticalLine (4, 1, 5); verticalLine (8, 1, 9); verticalLine (12, 1, 13);
verticalLine (0, 2, 1); verticalLine (4, 2, 5); verticalLine (8, 2, 9); verticalLine (12, 2, 13);
verticalLine (0, 3, 1); verticalLine (4, 3, 5); verticalLine (8, 3, 9); verticalLine (12, 3, 13);
horizontalLine (1, 4, 4); horizontalLine (5, 4, 8); horizontalLine (9, 4, 12);
verticalLine (0, 5, 1); verticalLine (4, 5, 5); verticalLine (8, 5, 9); verticalLine (12, 5, 13);
verticalLine (0, 6, 1); verticalLine (4, 6, 5); verticalLine (8, 6, 9); verticalLine (12, 6, 13);
verticalLine (0, 7, 1); verticalLine (4, 7, 5); verticalLine (8, 7, 9); verticalLine (12, 7, 13);
horizontalLine (1, 8, 4); horizontalLine (5, 8, 8); horizontalLine (9, 8, 12);
verticalLine (0, 9, 1); verticalLine (4, 9, 5); verticalLine (8, 9, 9); verticalLine (12, 9, 13);
verticalLine (0, 10, 1); verticalLine (4, 10, 5); verticalLine (8, 10, 9); verticalLine (12, 10, 13);
verticalLine (0, 11, 1); verticalLine (4, 11, 5); verticalLine (8, 11, 9); verticalLine (12, 11, 13);
horizontalLine (1, 12, 4); horizontalLine (5, 12, 8); horizontalLine (9, 12, 12);
printArray ();
}//public class