クリックすると、「連絡先」オブジェクトの属性が 0 から 1 に切り替わるチェックボックスに問題があります。
チェックボックスは、すべてのオブジェクトの詳細を含む、生成される DIV の一部です。トグルしたい属性は「toggled」と呼ばれます。
私が達成しようとしていたのは、チェックボックスをクリックすると、パラメーターとして渡されたオブジェクトの「ID」を使用して UpdateStatus() メソッドを実行することでした。次に、配列内のすべてのオブジェクトをループして、オブジェクトの「ID」と一致させます。
Contact.prototype.generateDiv = function(){
divid = divid + 1;
buttonid = buttonid + 1;
var control = [];
control[0] = divid;
control[1] = buttonid;
var mapLocation = " ";
if(this.daysUntil<=14){ //This checks to see if the contacts birthday is within 7 days or less,and creates a warning flag variable so we can display a warning flag
birthdayFlag = "<img src=resources/birthday.png>"
birthdayFlag = " "
if(this.post){ // this checks to see if there is a value in the Postcode attribute, if not it will set the map location to the address entered
mapLocation = this.post;
mapLocation = this.address;
var childDiv =
"<div class='parentDiv'>" +
this.firstName + " " + this.surname + " " + birthdayFlag + "<input type='checkbox' onclick='updateStatus(this.ID)'>" + " " + "<button class='btnForDiv' id='" + buttonid + "'" + " > Click to Expand </button>" +
"<div class='childDiv' id='" + divid + "' " + ">" + "<img class=map src='http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?scale=1¢er=" + mapLocation + "&zoom=14&size=500x350&maptype=hybrid&markers=size:normal|color:RED|label:C|" + mapLocation + "&sensor=false' style='float: right;border-style:groove'>" +
" " + "<span style='color:#5f9ea0';> Surname: </span>" + "<br>     " + this.surname +
"<BR>  " + "<span style='color:#5f9ea0';> First Name:</span> " +"<br>     " + this.firstName +
"<br>  " + "<span style='color:#5f9ea0';> Date Of Birth:</span> " +"<br>     " + this.days + "/" + this.months + "/" + this.years +
"<br>  " + "<span style='color:#5f9ea0';> Telephone Number:</span> " +"<br>     " + this.phone +
"<br>  " + "<span style='color:#5f9ea0';> Address:</span> " +"<br>     " + this.address + " " + this.post +
"<br>  " + "<span style='color:#5f9ea0';> Email Address:</span> " +"<br>     " + this.email +
"<br>  " + "<span style='color:#5f9ea0';> Group:</span> " +"<br>     " + this.group +
"<br>  " + "<span style='color:#5f9ea0';> Days Until Birthday:</span> " +"<br>     " + this.daysUntil +
"</div>" + "</div>" + "<HR width=1000px>" + "<BR> ";
return childDiv;
var updateStatus = function(thisID){
for (i = 0; i < contacts.length; i += 1) {
if (thisID = contacts[i].ID){
if (contacts[i].toggled = "0"){
contacts[i].toggled = "1";
if (contacts[i].toggled = "1"){
contacts[i].toggled = "0";
var surnameField,firstNameField,birthdayField, phoneField, addressField, postField, emailField, groupField ; //Declaring variables for the fields
var Contact = function(surname,firstName,date, phone , address , post, email, group, imglink){
this.surname = surname ;
this.firstName = firstName ;
this.birthdayDate = new Date (date) ;
this.phone = phone;
this.address= address;
this.email = email;
this.post = post;
this.group = group;
this.toggled = "0" ;
this.ID = "";
var contacts = [];
upcomingBirthdays = [];
divid = 0;
buttonid = 1000;
mapid = 100;
myControls = [];
var getDate = function() {
for (var i= 0, j=contacts.length;i<j;i++){
var y = contacts[i].birthdayDate.getFullYear();
var m = contacts[i].birthdayDate.getMonth();
var d = contacts[i].birthdayDate.getDate();
contacts[i].days = d;
contacts[i].months = m + 1;
contacts[i].years = y ;
var today = new Date() ;
var ty = today.getFullYear();
contacts[i].bdThisYear = new Date(ty,m,d, 0 , 0 , 0);
var daysUntilBirthday = function(){
for (var i= 0, j=contacts.length;i<j;i++){
var today = new Date() ;
contacts[i].daysUntil = Math.round((contacts[i].bdThisYear - today ) /1000/60/60/24+1);
if (contacts[i].daysUntil <= 0){
contacts[i].daysUntil = contacts[i].daysUntil + 365 ;
var birthdayCheck = function(){
for (var i= 0, j=contacts.length;i<j;i++){
birth = "\n" + contacts[i].firstName + " " + contacts[i].surname + " has a birthday in " + contacts[i].daysUntil + " days" ;
if(contacts[i].daysUntil <= 14){
upcomingBirthdays.push (birth);
if(upcomingBirthdays.length > 0){
Contact.prototype.generateDiv = function(){
divid = divid + 1;
buttonid = buttonid + 1;
var control = [];
control[0] = divid;
control[1] = buttonid;
var mapLocation = " ";
if(this.daysUntil<=14){ //This checks to see if the contacts birthday is within 7 days or less,and creates a warning flag variable so we can display a warning flag
birthdayFlag = "<img src=resources/birthday.png>"
birthdayFlag = " "
if(this.post){ // this checks to see if there is a value in the Postcode attribute, if not it will set the map location to the address entered
mapLocation = this.post;
mapLocation = this.address;
var childDiv =
"<div class='parentDiv'>" +
this.firstName + " " + this.surname + " " + birthdayFlag + "<input type='checkbox' onclick='updateStatus(this.ID)'>" + " " + "<button class='btnForDiv' id='" + buttonid + "'" + " > Click to Expand </button>" +
"<div class='childDiv' id='" + divid + "' " + ">" + "<img class=map src='http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?scale=1¢er=" + mapLocation + "&zoom=14&size=500x350&maptype=hybrid&markers=size:normal|color:RED|label:C|" + mapLocation + "&sensor=false' style='float: right;border-style:groove'>" +
" " + "<span style='color:#5f9ea0';> Surname: </span>" + "<br>     " + this.surname +
"<BR>  " + "<span style='color:#5f9ea0';> First Name:</span> " +"<br>     " + this.firstName +
"<br>  " + "<span style='color:#5f9ea0';> Date Of Birth:</span> " +"<br>     " + this.days + "/" + this.months + "/" + this.years +
"<br>  " + "<span style='color:#5f9ea0';> Telephone Number:</span> " +"<br>     " + this.phone +
"<br>  " + "<span style='color:#5f9ea0';> Address:</span> " +"<br>     " + this.address + " " + this.post +
"<br>  " + "<span style='color:#5f9ea0';> Email Address:</span> " +"<br>     " + this.email +
"<br>  " + "<span style='color:#5f9ea0';> Group:</span> " +"<br>     " + this.group +
"<br>  " + "<span style='color:#5f9ea0';> Days Until Birthday:</span> " +"<br>     " + this.daysUntil +
"</div>" + "</div>" + "<HR width=1000px>" + "<BR> ";
return childDiv;
var updateStatus = function(thisID){
for (i = 0; i < contacts.length; i += 1) {
if (thisID = contacts[i].ID){
if (contacts[i].toggled = "0"){
contacts[i].toggled = "1";
if (contacts[i].toggled = "1"){
contacts[i].toggled = "0";
var assignID = function(){
for (i = 0; i < contacts.length; i += 1) {
contacts[i].ID = "" + i + "" ;
var removeContacts = function () {
for (i = 0; i < contacts.length; i += 1) {
if (contacts[i].toggled = "1"){
var addContact = function(surnameField,firstNameField,birthdayField, phoneField, addressField, postField, emailField, groupField ){
a = new Contact(surnameField.value, firstNameField.value,birthdayField.value, phoneField.value, addressField.value, postField.value, emailField.value, groupField.value);
}else{ alert("Please complete all fields")}
var clearUI = function(){
var white = "#fff";
surnameField.value = "";
surnameField.style.backgroundColor = white;
firstNameField.value = "";
firstNameField.style.backgroundColor = white;
birthdayField.style.backgroundColor = white;
phoneField.value = "";
phoneField.style.backgroundcolor = white;
addressField.value = "";
addressField.style.backgroundcolor = white;
postField.value = "";
postField.style.backgroundcolor = white;
emailField.value = "";
emailField.style.backgroundcolor = white;
groupField.style.backgroundcolor = white;
var updateList = function(elements){
myControls = []
var tableDiv = document.getElementById("parentDiv"),
cDiv = "<BR>" ;
for (var i= 0, j=elements.length;i<j;i++){
var cntct = elements[i];
cDiv += cntct.generateDiv();
tableDiv.innerHTML = cDiv;
var add = function(){
addContact(surnameField,firstNameField,birthdayField, phoneField, addressField, postField, emailField, groupField, imgField);
var saveContacts = function(){
var cntcts = JSON.stringify(contacts);
if (cntcts !==""){
localStorage.contacts = cntcts;
alert("Could not save contacts");
var loadContacts = function(){
var cntcts = "";
if(localStorage.contacts !== undefined){
cntcts = localStorage.contacts;
contacts = JSON.parse(cntcts);
var proto = new Contact();
for (var i=0; i<contacts.length; i++){
var cntct = contacts[i]
cntct.__proto__ = proto;
cntct.birthdayDate = new Date(cntct.birthdayDate);
var clearContacts = function(){
contacts = [];
var sort_by = function(field, reverse, primer){
var key = function (x) {return primer ? primer(x[field]) : x[field]};
return function (a,b) {
var A = key(a), B = key(b);
return (A < B ? -1 : (A > B ? 1 : 0)) * [1,-1][+!!reverse];
var sortBySurname = function(){
contacts.sort(sort_by('surname', false, function(a){return a.toUpperCase()}));
var sortByFirstname = function(){
contacts.sort(sort_by('firstName', false, function(a){return a.toUpperCase()}));
var sortByGroup= function(){
contacts.sort(sort_by('group', false, function(a){return a.toUpperCase()}));
var sortByBirthday= function(){
contacts.sort(sort_by('daysUntil', false, parseInt));
window.onload = function(){
surnameField = document.getElementById("surname");
firstNameField = document.getElementById("firstName")
birthdayField = document.getElementById("birthday");
phoneField = document.getElementById("phone");
addressField = document.getElementById("address");
postField = document.getElementById("post");
emailField = document.getElementById("email");
groupField = document.getElementById("group");
imgField = document.getElementById("image");
addButton = document.getElementById("addButton");
addButton.onclick = add;
delButton = document.getElementById("delButton");
searchField = document.getElementById("searchField");
searchButton = document.getElementById("searchButton");
//searchButton.onclick = doSearch();
//delButton.onclick = removeContacts();
sortSurnameButton = document.getElementById("surnameSort");
sortSurnameButton.onclick = sortBySurname;
sortFirstNameButton = document.getElementById("firstNameSort");
sortFirstNameButton.onclick = sortByFirstname;
sortGroupButton = document.getElementById("groupSort");
sortGroupButton.onclick = sortByGroup;
birthSortButton = document.getElementById("birthSort");
birthSortButton.onclick = sortByBirthday;