import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect("tofire.db") #
cursor = conn.cursor()
# create a table
cursor.execute("""CREATE TABLE incidents
(Id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, prime_street text, cross_street text, dispatch_time text,
incident_number text, incident_type text, alarm_level text, area text, dispatched_units text, date_added text)
これは問題なく進みました。次の部分は私の関数で、美しいスープを使用してテーブルをリストのリストにスクレイピングします。次に、各サブリストの情報を sqlite データベースに書き込もうとしています。
# Toronto Fire Calls
import urllib2
import sqlite3
import time
import csv
import threading
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# Beautiful Soup imports the URL as html
def getincidents ():
response = urllib2.urlopen('http://www.toronto.ca/fire/cadinfo/livecad.htm')
html = response.read()
# We give the html its own variable.
soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
# Find the table we want on the Toronto Fire Page
table = soup.find("table", class_="info")
# Find all the <td> tags in the table and assign them to variable.
cols = table.find_all('td')
# Find the length of rows, which is the number of <font> tags, and assign it to a variable num_cols.
num_cols = len(cols)
# Create an empty list to hold each of the <font> tags as an element
colslist = []
totalcols = 0
# For each <font> in cols, append it to colslist as an element.
for col in cols:
totalcols = len(colslist)
# Now colslist has every td as an element from [0] to totalcols = len(colslist)
# The First 8 <font> entries are always the table headers i.e. Prime Street, Cross Street, etc.
headers = colslist[0:8]
# Prime Street
# Cross Street
# Dispatch Time
# Incident Number
# Incident Type
# Alarm Level
# Area
# Dispatched Units
# Get the indexes from 0 to the length of the original list, in steps of list_size, then create a sublist for each.
# lists = [original_list[i:i+list_size] for i in xrange(0, len(original_list), list_size)]
list_size = 8
i = 0
incidents = [colslist[i:i+list_size] for i in xrange(0, len(colslist), list_size)]
# Works!
num_inci = len(incidents) # Get the number of incidents
added = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
update = 'DB Updated @ ' + added
# SQL TIME, Connect to our db.
conn = sqlite3.connect("tofire.db")
cursor = conn.cursor()
lid = cursor.lastrowid
# Now we put each incident into our database.
for incident in incidents[1:num_inci]:
to_db = [(i[0:10]) for i in incident]
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO incidents (prime_street, cross_street, dispatch_time, incident_number, incident_type, alarm_level, area, dispatched_units, date_added) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", to_db)
print update
print "The last Id of the inserted row is %d" % lid
threading.Timer(300, getincidents).start()
私はいつも "Incorrect Number of Bindings Supplied" というエラー メッセージが表示されます。10 が指定されているのに、ステートメントで 9 を使用しようとしていると主張しています。この原因を絞り込もうとしましたが、成功しませんでした。