I am trying to run a ruby script from my computer and I would like to have the script use a proxy IP address / server that I have setup, as opposed to the default IP address associated with my local machine.
I have been able to get my web browsers to use this proxy IP address by making changes inside network settings. But When I run the ruby script from textmate, it doesn't seem to use the proxy IP address I have put into my network settings. Instead it defaults back to the base ip address of my local machine.
Is there anything I can do in textmate or in the script itself to specify a proxy IP address it should route through?
My script looks like the following:
require "open-uri"
url = "some-url"
pattern = "<img"
page = open(url).read
tags = page.scan(pattern)
puts "The site #{url} has #{tags.length} img tags"
Thanks for your help!