CPAN を介して Perl XML::LibXML モジュールをインストールしようとしていますが、次のエラーが発生します。Windows 7 マシンと Perl v5.16.1 を使用しています。私は多くの検索を行いましたが、解決策はありませんでした。
Set up gcc environment - 3.4.5 (mingw-vista special r3)
enable native perl UTF8
Checking for ability to link against
Checking for ability to link against libxml2...libxml2, zlib, and/or the Math library (-lm) have not been found.
Try setting LIBS and INC values on the command line
Or get libxml2 from
If you install via RPMs, make sure you also install the -devel
RPMs, as this is where the headers (.h files) are.
Also, you may try to run perl Makefile.PL with the DEBUG=1 parameter
to see the exact reason why the detection of libxml2 installation
failed or why Makefile.PL was not able to compile a test program.
**No 'Makefile' created SHLOMIF/XML-LibXML-2.0014.tar.gz
C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=site -- NOT OK**
Running make test
Make had some problems, won't test
Running make install
Make had some problems, won't install
**Could not read metadata file. Falling back to other methods to determine prerequisites**
Failed during this command:
SHLOMIF/XML-LibXML-2.0014.tar.gz : writemakefile NO -- No 'Makefile' created