
 Function TimeSpan(dt1, dt2) 

    Dim seconds,minutes,hours,days

    If (isDate(dt1) And IsDate(dt2)) = false Then 
        TimeSpan = "00:00:00" 
        Exit Function 
    End If 

    seconds = Abs(DateDiff("S", dt1, dt2)) 
    minutes = seconds \ 60 
    hours = minutes \ 60 
    days  = hours \ 24
    minutes = minutes mod 60 
    seconds = seconds mod 60 
    days    = days    mod 24 

    if len(hours) = 1 then hours = "0" & hours 

    TimeSpan = days& ":" & _ 
        RIGHT("00" & hours , 2) & ":" & _ 
        RIGHT("00" & minutes, 2) 
End Function 


  D1=#9/24/2012  8:09:15 AM# and D2=#9/25/2012  8:09:15 AM# gives correct data like 1:24:00 whereas below are producing error when working with VBScript and Excel.
  D1=#9/5/2012  8:45:43 AM# and D2=#9/25/2012  8:45:43 AM# result=0.888888888888889
  D1=#9/6/2012  8:29:34 AM# and D2=#9/17/2012  8:59:36 AM# result=0.503125




2 に答える 2


次のように、UDFの以前の投稿からの私の回答を試してください: この回答はVBAにあります


option explicit
Function TimeSpan(dt1 As Date, dt2 As Date) As String
Dim dtTemp As Date

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        If (IsDate(dt1) And IsDate(dt2)) = False Then
            TimeSpan = "00:00:00"
            Exit Function
        End If

        If dt2 < dt1 Then
            dtTemp = dt2
            dt2 = dt1
            dt1 = dt2
        End If
        '-- since you only had days, I have put up to days here. 
        '-- if you require months, years you may use yy:mm:dd:hh:mm:ss
        '-- which is pretty self-explainatory ;)
        TimeSpan = Application.WorksheetFunction.Text((dt2 - dt1), "dd:hh:mm:ss")

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
End Function

UDF 出力:


ただし、自由と可能性がある場合は、Excel シート関数を使用することをお勧めします。

日付の差が 31 日を超える場合

次に、この記事に従ってソリューションをDateDiff使用して、UDF に 組み込みます。

于 2012-12-12T10:16:16.640 に答える