set terminal postscript enhanced color
set output 'fichier.ps'
set logscale y
set logscale x
set format y "10^{%L}"
set format x "10^{%L}"
set key inside right top
set xlabel " lines "
set ylabel " Time(nanoseconds)"
f(x) = a + b*exp (x)
fit f(x) 'fichier.csv' using 16:17 via a, b
plot 'fichier.csv' using 16:17 with points title "title" lw 3 pt 4 linecolor rgb "#FF0000", f(x) with lines title "regtitle" linecolor rgb "#000000" lw 3
Max. number of data points scaled up to: 3072
Undefined value during function evaluation
そして私は走りますgnuplot 4.4