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<title>Untitled Document</title>
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$( ".datepicker" ).datepicker({
changeMonth: true,
changeYear: true
<form action="#cgi.SCRIPT_NAME#" method="post">
Start Date: <input type="text" name="StartDate" class="datepicker" /> (mm-dd-yyyy)<br />
End Date: <input type="text" name="EndDate" class="datepicker" /> (mm-dd-yyyy) <br />
<input type="submit" value="Save Appointment" />
<cfif structkeyexists(form,'startDate')>
<cfdump var="#form#" expand="no">
<hr />
* Returns the day of the month(1-31) of an Nth Occurrence of a day (1-sunday,2-monday etc.)in a given month. *
* @param NthOccurrence A number representing the nth occurrence.1-5.
* @param TheDayOfWeek A number representing the day of the week (1=Sunday, 2=Monday, etc.).
* @param TheMonth A number representing the Month (1=January, 2=February, etc.).
* @param TheYear The year.
* @return Returns a numeric value.
* @author Ken McCafferty (mccjdk@yahoo.com)
* @version 1, August 28, 2001
function GetNthOccOfDayInMonth(NthOccurrence,TheDayOfWeek,TheMonth,TheYear)
Var TheDayInMonth=0;
if(TheDayOfWeek lt DayOfWeek(CreateDate(TheYear,TheMonth,1))){
TheDayInMonth= 1 + NthOccurrence*7 + (TheDayOfWeek - DayOfWeek(CreateDate(TheYear,TheMonth,1))) MOD 7;
else {
TheDayInMonth= 1 + (NthOccurrence-1)*7 + (TheDayOfWeek - DayOfWeek(CreateDate(TheYear,TheMonth,1))) MOD 7;
//If the result is greater than days in month or less than 1, return -1
if(TheDayInMonth gt DaysInMonth(CreateDate(TheYear,TheMonth,1)) OR TheDayInMonth lt 1){
return -1;
else {
return TheDayInMonth;
* Returns the date for Easter in a given year.
* Minor edits by Rob Brooks-Bilson (rbils@amkor.com).
* @param TheYear The year to get Easter for.
* @return Returns a date object.
* @author Ken McCafferty (rbils@amkor.commccjdk@yahoo.com)
* @version 1, September 4, 2001
function GetEaster() {
Var TheYear=iif(arraylen(arguments) gt 0,"arguments[1]", "Year(Now())");
Var century = Int(TheYear/100);
Var G = TheYear MOD 19;
Var K = Int((century - 17)/25);
Var I = (century - Int(century/4) - Int((century - K)/3) + 19*G + 15) MOD 30;
Var H = I - Int((I/28))*(1 - Int((I/28))*Int((29/(I + 1)))*Int(((21 - G)/11)));
Var J = (TheYear + Int(TheYear/4) + H + 2 - century + Int(century/4)) MOD 7;
Var L = H - J;
Var EasterMonth = 3 + Int((L + 40)/44);
Var EasterDay = L + 28 - 31*Int((EasterMonth/4));
return CreateDate(TheYear,EasterMonth,EasterDay);
function LastDayOfMonth(strMonth) {
var strYear=Year(Now());
if (ArrayLen(Arguments) gt 1)
return DateAdd("d", -1, DateAdd("m", 1, CreateDate(strYear, strMonth, 1)));
<cfset StartYear = listlast(StartDate,'/')>
<cfset EndYear = listlast(endDate,'/')>
<cfset HolidaySchedule = structnew()>
<cfloop index="currentYear" from="#dateformat(StartDate,'yyyy')#" to="#dateformat(EndDate,'yyyy')#" step="1">
<cfset val = StructInsert( HolidaySchedule, "Independence (#currentYear#)", createDate(currentYear,7,4) )/>
<cfset val = StructInsert( HolidaySchedule, "New Year (#currentYear#)", createdate(currentYear,1,1) )/>
<cfset val = StructInsert( HolidaySchedule, "Easter (#currentYear#)", GetEaster(currentYear) )/>
<cfset val = StructInsert( HolidaySchedule, "Spring Break (#currentYear#)", createDate(currentYear,3,GetNthOccOfDayInMonth(2,2,3,currentYear)) )/>
<cfset val = StructInsert( HolidaySchedule, "Labor Day (#currentYear#)", createDate(currentYear,9,GetNthOccOfDayInMonth(1,2,9,currentYear)) )/>
<cfset val = StructInsert( HolidaySchedule, "Thanksgiving (#currentYear#)", createDate(currentYear,11,GetNthOccOfDayInMonth(4,6,11,currentYear)) )/>
<cfset val = StructInsert( HolidaySchedule, "Christmas Day (#currentYear#)", createdate(currentYear,12,25) )/>
<cfdump var="#HolidaySchedule#" expand="no">
<cfset normalweek = 'true'>
<cfloop index="x" from="#startDate#" to="#endDate#" step="1">
Checking date: #dateformat(x,'yyyy-mm-dd')#<br />
<cfif NOT arrayIsEmpty(structFindValue(HolidaySchedule,createDate(year(x),month(x),day(x))))>
<div style="background-color:##009900; color:##ffffff">#dateformat(x, 'mm/dd/yyyy')# is a holiday.</div>
<cfset normalweek = 'false'>
<cfif normalweek eq 'false'>
Remember to add on the Holiday Fee.
No additional charges for this appointment.