I am working on learning to make forms using HTML and Javascript. When I go to submit my form, it processes it, and I can see the result, but the page quickly resets so that the form is back to its starting state. How can I make sure the page doesn't reset when the function is done?
Here is the HTML for the form and the function that processes it:
<form name="calculator" onsubmit="return calculate(this);">
Enter the value of the house: $
<input type="text" name="homeValue" id="homeValue" size="7" /><br>
<select name="selMortgage" id="selMortgage">
<option>Select a mortgage length</option>
<option>15-year mortgage</option>
<option>30-year mortgage</option>
<p class="form"><input type="checkbox" name="chkDiscount" value="discount"/>Good Credit Discount?</p>
<input type="submit" value="Calculate" />
<div id="result"></div>
function calculate(form) {
var amountEntered = form.homeValue.value;
var termLength;
var interestRate;
var calc;
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = "hi";
if (!/^\d+(\.\d{1,2})?$/.test(amountEntered))
alert("You did not enter an amount of money");
if (form.chkDiscount.checked == true)
interestRate = .05;
interestRate = .06;
if (form.selMortgage.selectedIndex == 0)
alert("Select a mortgage length");
else if (form.selMortgage.selectedIndex == 1)
termLength = 15;
else if (form.selMortgage.selectedIndex == 2)
termLength = 30;
calc = (Math.pow(1+interestRate,termLength) * amountEntered)/(termLength*12);
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = calc.toFixed(2);