tell application "System Events"
tell process "AppIT"
{804, 368}
{536, 368}
{268, 368}
{0, 368}
{804, 22}
{536, 22}
{268, 22}
{0, 22}
set position of window 1 to {0, 22}
set position of window 2 to {268, 22}
set position of window 3 to {536, 22}
set position of window 4 to {804, 22}
set position of window 5 to {0, 368}
set position of window 6 to {268, 368}
set position of window 7 to {536, 368}
set position of window 8 to {804, 368}
set position of window 9 to {0, 22}
set position of window 10 to {268, 22}
set position of window 11 to {536, 22}
set position of window 12 to {804, 22}
set position of window 13 to {0, 368}
set position of window 14 to {268, 368}
set position of window 15 to {536, 368}
set position of window 16 to {804, 368}
set position of window 17 to {0, 22}
set position of window 18 to {268, 22}
set position of window 19 to {536, 22}
set position of window 20 to {804, 22}
set position of window 21 to {0, 368}
set position of window 22 to {268, 368}
set position of window 23 to {536, 368}
set position of window 24 to {804, 368}
end tell
end tell