I'm using celery 3.0.11 and djcelery 3.0.11 with python 2.7 and django 1.3.4. I'm trying to run celeryd as a daemon and I've followed instructions from http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/tutorials/daemonizing.html

When I run the workers using celeryd as described in the link with a python (non-django) configuration, the daemon comes up.

When I run the workers using python manage.py celery worker --loglevel=info to test the workers, they come up fine and start to consume messages.

But when I run celeryd with a django configuration i.e. using manage.py celeryd_multi, I just get a message that says

> Starting nodes...
    > <node_name>.<user_name>: OK

But I don't see any daemon running and my messages obviously don't get consumed. There is an empty log file (the one that's configured in the celeryd config file). I've tried this with a very basic django project as well and I get the same result.

I'm wondering if I'm missing any basic configuration piece. Since I don't get any errors and I don't have any logs, I'm stuck. Running it with sh-x doesn't show anything special either. Has anyone experienced this before or does anyone have any suggestions on what I can try?



1 に答える 1


今のところ、celeryd の代わりに Supervisord を使用するように切り替えましたが、複数のワーカーを実行しても問題はありません。

于 2013-01-23T05:40:36.080 に答える