public int addPatron(String name) throws PatronException {
int i = 0;
//1. Iterate through a hashmap, and confirm the new name I am trying to add to the record doesn't already exist in the hashmap
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Patron> entry : patrons.entrySet()) {
Patron nameTest = entry.getValue();
//2. If the name I am trying to add already exists, we want to throw an exception saying as much.
if (nameTest.getName() == name) {
throw new PatronException ("This patron already exists");
//3. If the name is unique, we want to get the largest key value (customer number) already in the hash, an increment by one.
} else if (nameTest.getName() != name) {
Map.Entry<Integer,Patron> maxEntry = null;
for(Map.Entry<Integer, Patron> entryCheck : patrons.entrySet()) {
if (maxEntry == null || entryCheck.getKey() > maxEntry.getKey()) {
maxEntry = entryCheck;
i = maxEntry.getKey();
} else {
throw new PatronException("Something's not working!");
//4. If everything is ok up to this point, we want to us the name and the new customer id number, and use those to create a new Patron object, which then gets added to a hashmap for this class which contains all the patrons.
Patron newPatron = new Patron(name, i);
patrons.put(i, newPatron);
return i;
addPatron に同じ名前を連続して 2 回追加すると失敗する単純な単体テストを実行しようとすると、テストが失敗します。
try {
fail("This shouldn't have worked");
テストは失敗し、addPatron メソッドは同じ名前を 2 回使用できることがわかります。
私の Patron クラスは次のようになります。
public class Patron {
private String name = null;
private int cardNumber = 0;
public Patron (String name, int cardNumber){
this.name = name;
this.cardNumber = cardNumber;
public String getName(){
return name;
public int getCardNumber(){
return cardNumber;