スプレッドシートを開き、含まれているVBAを調べ、必要な変更を適用して保存するプログラム(VB、.NET、java ...)を作成する方法はありますか?
スプレッドシートを開き、含まれているVBAを調べ、必要な変更を適用して保存するプログラム(VB、.NET、java ...)を作成する方法はありますか?
コード変更プロセスを自動化する VBA プログラムを作成できます。
ツール内 --> リファレンス
追加: Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications Extensibility XY
以下は、ThisWorkbook モジュールにコードを追加するために私が書いたコードです。主な機能は次のとおりです。
外部参照: http://www.vbaexpress.com/kb/getarticle.php?kb_id=250
Dim wsName As String
Dim row As Long
Dim col As Long
Dim VBCM As CodeModule
Dim VBP As VBProject
Dim VBC As VBComponent
Dim line As String
Dim insertStr As String
Dim clearCode As Boolean
Dim line2 As String
Dim i As Long, j As Long
clearCode = False
If formula = "" Then
Exit Sub
End If
If formula = "DEL" Then
clearCode = True
End If
On Error GoTo Err:
If Selection.count = 1 Then
wsName = ActiveSheet.Name
row = Selection.row
col = Selection.column
Set VBP = Application.VBE.ActiveVBProject
For Each VBC In VBP.VBComponents
If VBC.Name = "ThisWorkbook" Then
Set VBCM = VBC.CodeModule
Start = False
endLine = False
For i = 1 To VBCM.CountOfLines
line = VBCM.Lines(i, 1)
line = Trim(line) 'remove the leading and trailing spaces
If line = "Private Sub Workbook_Open()" Then
Start = True
End If
If Start Then
If clearCode Then
For j = i + 1 To VBCM.CountOfLines
line = VBCM.Lines(j, 1)
line = Trim(line) 'remove the leading and trailing spaces
If line = "With Worksheets(""" & wsName & """)" Then
line2 = VBCM.Lines(j + 2, 1)
line2 = Trim(line2)
If line2 = "height = .Cells(" & row & ", " & col & ").End(xlDown).row" Then
VBCM.DeleteLines j, 8
MsgBox "Delete Code Done"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Next j
End If
If line = "End Sub" Then
endLine = True
Exit For
End If
End If
Next i
Worksheets(wsName).Cells(row, col).formula = formula
formula = Replace(formula, """", """""") 'replace the single doublequote into double doublequotes
insertStr = "With Worksheets(""" & wsName & """)"
insertStr = insertStr & vbCrLf & " .Activate"
insertStr = insertStr & vbCrLf & " height = .Cells(" & row & ", " & col & ").End(xldown).row"
insertStr = insertStr & vbCrLf & " If height > row Then"
insertStr = insertStr & vbCrLf & " .Range(.Cells(" & row & "," & col & "), .Cells(height," & col & ")).ClearContents"
insertStr = insertStr & vbCrLf & " End If"
insertStr = insertStr & vbCrLf & " .Cells(" & row & "," & col & ").formula = """ & formula & """"
insertStr = insertStr & vbCrLf & "End With"
VBCM.InsertLines i - 1, insertStr
'Debug.Print "FOUND"
End If
Next VBC
End If