1. Open php.ini and uncomment the following: extension=php_openssl.dll
2. Make sure you have config the following section pointing to your
php install directory (in my case is located in a second partition at
3. Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
extension_dir = "e:/php/ext"
4. Add your php directory to the PATH variable
start>run>type cmd
on windows console type:
set PATH=%PATH%;e:\php
(remember replace e:\php with YOUR directory)
(note that using %path% is the same as var+=value, so the directory
will be appended at the end of the variable)
5. php5 comes with all the dll in the zip package so if you add the php
directory to the path variable, you don't need to move anything to your
windows system directory (very safe for later updates, because you just
replace the content of your php directory)
6. start>run>inetsrv/iis.msc
right click on your computer
all task>restart IIS
openssl.cnf not found.