<h1>Table breaking</h1>
<ul data-bind="template: { name: 'peopleList' }"></ul>
<script type="text/html" id="peopleList">
{{ _.each(model(), function(m, idx) { }}
{{ if (idx % 4 == 0) { }}
{{ } }}
<label>{{= m.Value }}</label>
<input type="checkbox" data-bind="checked: m.IsChecked"/>
{{ if (idx % 4 == 3) { }}
{{ } }}
{{ }) }}
Javascript(これには、ここで説明されているアンダースコアの統合が含まれます-http ://
_.templateSettings = {
interpolate: /\{\{\=(.+?)\}\}/g,
evaluate: /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g
/* ---- Begin integration of Underscore template engine with Knockout. Could go in a separate file of course. ---- */
ko.underscoreTemplateEngine = function () { }
ko.underscoreTemplateEngine.prototype = ko.utils.extend(new ko.templateEngine(), {
renderTemplateSource: function (templateSource, bindingContext, options) {
// Precompile and cache the templates for efficiency
var precompiled = templateSource['data']('precompiled');
if (!precompiled) {
precompiled = _.template("{{ with($data) { }} " + templateSource.text() + " {{ } }}");
templateSource['data']('precompiled', precompiled);
// Run the template and parse its output into an array of DOM elements
var renderedMarkup = precompiled(bindingContext).replace(/\s+/g, " ");
return ko.utils.parseHtmlFragment(renderedMarkup);
createJavaScriptEvaluatorBlock: function(script) {
return "{{ " + script + " }}";
ko.setTemplateEngine(new ko.underscoreTemplateEngine());
/* ---- End integration of Underscore template engine with Knockout ---- */
var viewModel = {
model: ko.observableArray([
{ Value: '1', IsChecked: 1 },
{ Value: '2', IsChecked: 0 },
{ Value: '3', IsChecked: 1 },
{ Value: '4', IsChecked: 0 },
{ Value: '5', IsChecked: 1 },