private void DgNewItem_CellPainting(object sender, DataGridViewCellPaintingEventArgs e)
int strt = 0;
int cnt = -1;
int idx = -1;
if ((((e.RowIndex >= 0) && (e.ColumnIndex >= 0))))
e.Handled = true;
e.PaintBackground(e.CellBounds, true);
**//string sw = GetSearchWord(e.ColumnIndex);**
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sw))
string val = e.FormattedValue.ToString();
int sindx = val.ToLower().IndexOf(sw.ToLower());
if ((sindx >= 0))
while (strt != -1)
strt = val.ToLower().IndexOf(sw.ToLower(), idx + 1);
cnt += 1;
idx = strt;
//int numberOfTrues = Regex.Matches(val, sw).Count;
// the highlite rectangle
if (strt != -1)
Rectangle hl_rect = new Rectangle();
hl_rect.Y = (e.CellBounds.Y + 2);
hl_rect.Height = (e.CellBounds.Height - 5);
// find the size of the text before the search word
// and the size of the search word
string sBefore = val.Substring(0, idx);
string sWord = val.Substring(idx, sw.Length);
Size s1 = TextRenderer.MeasureText(e.Graphics, sBefore, e.CellStyle.Font, e.CellBounds.Size);
Size s2 = TextRenderer.MeasureText(e.Graphics, sWord, e.CellStyle.Font, e.CellBounds.Size);
// adjust the widths to make the highlite more accurate
if ((s1.Width > 5))
hl_rect.X = (e.CellBounds.X
+ (s1.Width - 5));
hl_rect.Width = (s2.Width - 6);
hl_rect.X = (e.CellBounds.X + 2);
hl_rect.Width = (s2.Width - 6);
// use darker highlight when the row is selected
SolidBrush hl_brush;
if (((e.State & DataGridViewElementStates.Selected)
!= DataGridViewElementStates.None))
hl_brush = new SolidBrush(Color.DarkGoldenrod);
hl_brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Violet);
// paint the background behind the search word
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(hl_brush, hl_rect);
// paint the content as usual