ローカル システムで 1 つの Excel ファイルを読み込んでいます。POI jar バージョン 3.7 を使用していますが、Invalid header signature; エラーが発生します。-2300849302551019537 または 16 進数 0xE011BDBFEFBDBFEF を読み取り、-2226271756974174256 または 16 進数 0xE11AB1A1E011CFD0 を想定。
それが発生するコードブロック: アイデアはありますか?
* create a new HeaderBlockReader from an InputStream
* @param stream the source InputStream
* @exception IOException on errors or bad data
public HeaderBlockReader(InputStream stream) throws IOException {
// At this point, we don't know how big our
// block sizes are
// So, read the first 32 bytes to check, then
// read the rest of the block
byte[] blockStart = new byte[32];
int bsCount = IOUtils.readFully(stream, blockStart);
if(bsCount != 32) {
throw alertShortRead(bsCount, 32);
// verify signature
long signature = LittleEndian.getLong(blockStart, _signature_offset);
if (signature != _signature) {
// Is it one of the usual suspects?
if(blockStart[0] == OOXML_FILE_HEADER[0] &&
blockStart[1] == OOXML_FILE_HEADER[1] &&
blockStart[2] == OOXML_FILE_HEADER[2] &&
blockStart[3] == OOXML_FILE_HEADER[3]) {
throw new OfficeXmlFileException("The supplied data appears to be in the Office 2007+ XML. You are calling the part of POI that deals with OLE2 Office Documents. You need to call a different part of POI to process this data (eg XSSF instead of HSSF)");
if ((signature & 0xFF8FFFFFFFFFFFFFL) == 0x0010000200040009L) {
// BIFF2 raw stream starts with BOF (sid=0x0009, size=0x0004, data=0x00t0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The supplied data appears to be in BIFF2 format. "
+ "POI only supports BIFF8 format");
// Give a generic error
throw new IOException("Invalid header signature; read "
+ longToHex(signature) + ", expected "
+ longToHex(_signature));