


  • 線分はopencv2.4.2を使用したハフ変換の出力であることに注意してください





5 に答える 5










  1. 4行のすべての組み合わせを検索
  2. これらの4行のすべての順列を検索します
  3. これらの4本の線が四辺形を形成する可能性を評価します
  4. 最高の試合をする


  1. 各コーナーでの90度からの偏差(4つのコーナーすべての誤差の2乗の合計を使用します)
  2. 線分が線分内で交差する場合、それは有効なコーナーではない可能性があります




于 2012-12-19T11:29:17.383 に答える


四辺形が間違っている可能性のある画像: ここに画像の説明を入力してください





  • ポイントシステムでは、四辺形の品質を評価し、最良のものを取得するか、四辺形を完全に拒否することができます。
  • ある物件の質の良さは、別の物件の質の悪さを上回るのに役立ちます。
  • これにより、さまざまなプロパティにさまざまな重みを付けることができます。


(angles == 90 +/- 10 degrees) && (line_completeness>50%)

これは機能しますが、のような状況につながる可能性がありangles == 90 +/- 1 degree) && (line_completeness == 45%)ます。規則によれば、この四辺形は、ラインの完全性が低いために通過しません。ただし、角度の品質は並外れており、それでも非常に優れた候補となっています。

ポイントを与える方が良いです。たとえば、正確に90度の角度の場合は20ポイント、90 +/- 15度の角度の場合は0ポイント、完全な線の場合は10ポイント、完全な線の場合は25%だけです。これにより、線の完全性よりも角度が重要になり、絶対的なルールがない問題に対してよりソフトな条件が作成されます。

于 2012-12-26T19:15:45.477 に答える




package stackoverflow;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public class ShapeFinder {

  private List<Line> lines;
  private List<Quadrilateral> allQuadrilaterals;

   * I am assuming your segments are in a list of arrays:
   * [{{x1,y1,},{x2,y2}}, {{x1,y1,},{x2,y2}}, {{x1,y1,},{x2,y2}}]
   * You can change this.
   * So basically you call ShapeFinder with a list of your line segments.
  public ShapeFinder(List<Double[][]> allSegments) {
    lines = new ArrayList<Line>(allSegments.size());
    allQuadrilaterals = new ArrayList<Quadrilateral>();
    for (Double[][] segment : allSegments) {

   * You call this function to compute all possible quadrilaterals for you.
  public List<Quadrilateral> completeQuadrilaterals() {
    for (int w = 0; w < lines.size(); w++) {
      for (int x = w + 1; x < lines.size(); x++) {
        for (int y = x + 1; y < lines.size(); y++) {
          for (int z = y + 1; z < lines.size(); z++) {
            addQuadrilateral(w, x, y, z);
    return allQuadrilaterals;

  //assume {{x1,y1,},{x2,y2}}
  private void addSlopeInterceptForm(Double[][] s) {
    double x1 = s[0][0];
    double y1 = s[0][1];
    double x2 = s[1][0];
    double y2 = s[1][1];
    double m = (y1 - y2) / (x1 - x2);
    double b = y2 - m * x2;

    if (isInfinityOrNaN(m)) {
      m = Double.NaN;
      b = x1;

    lines.add(new Line(m, b));

   * Given four lines, this function creates a quadrilateral if possible
  private void addQuadrilateral(int w, int x, int y, int z) {
    Point wx = intersect(w, x);
    Point wy = intersect(w, y);
    Point wz = intersect(w, z);
    Point xy = intersect(x, y);
    Point xz = intersect(x, z);
    Point yz = intersect(y, z);

    if (notNull(wx) && notNull(xy) && notNull(yz) && notNull(wz) && isNull(wy) && isNull(xz)) {
      allQuadrilaterals.add(new Quadrilateral(wx, xy, yz, wz));

  private Point intersect(int c, int d) {
    double m1 = lines.get(c).slope;
    double b1 = lines.get(c).intercept;
    double m2 = lines.get(d).slope;
    double b2 = lines.get(d).intercept;

    double xCor, yCor;
    if ((isInfinityOrNaN(m1) && !isInfinityOrNaN(m2)) || (!isInfinityOrNaN(m1) && isInfinityOrNaN(m2))) {
      xCor = isInfinityOrNaN(m1) ? b1 : b2;
      yCor = isInfinityOrNaN(m1) ? m2 * xCor + b2 : m1 * xCor + b1;;
    } else {
      xCor = (b2 - b1) / (m1 - m2);
      yCor = m1 * xCor + b1;

    if (isInfinityOrNaN(xCor) || isInfinityOrNaN(yCor)) {
      return null;
    return new Point(xCor, yCor);

  private boolean isInfinityOrNaN(double d){
    return Double.isInfinite(d)||Double.isNaN(d);

  private boolean notNull(Point p) {
    return null != p;

  private boolean isNull(Point p) {
    return null == p;


package stackoverflow;

public class Line {

  double slope;
  double intercept;

  public Line(double slope, double intercept) {
    this.slope = slope;
    this.intercept = intercept;


package stackoverflow;

class Point {

  double xCor;
  double yCor;

  public Point(double xCor, double yCor) {
    this.xCor = xCor;
    this.yCor = yCor;

  public String toString(){
    return "("+xCor+","+yCor+")";


package stackoverflow;

public class Quadrilateral {

  private Point w, x, y, z;

  public Quadrilateral(Point w, Point x, Point y, Point z) {
    this.w = w;
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    this.z = z;

  public String toString() {
    return "[" + w.toString() + ", " + x.toString() + ", " + y.toString() + ", " + z.toString() + "]";


package stackoverflow;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.Test;

public class ShapeFinderTest {

  public void testCompleteQuadrilaterals() {
    List<Double[][]> lines = new ArrayList<>();
    lines.add(new Double[][]{{2., 5.}, {6., 5.}});
    lines.add(new Double[][]{{2., 1.}, {2., 5.}});
    lines.add(new Double[][]{{2., 1.}, {6., 1.}});
    lines.add(new Double[][]{{6., 5.}, {6., 1.}});
    lines.add(new Double[][]{{0., 0.}, {5., 1.}});
    lines.add(new Double[][]{{5., 5.}, {10., 25.}});
    ShapeFinder instance = new ShapeFinder(lines);
    List<Quadrilateral> result = instance.completeQuadrilaterals();

    for (Quadrilateral q : result) {
于 2013-01-01T01:15:43.260 に答える


以下は、かなり簡単に実装できる擬似コードです。ここで、O(N ^ 4)の複雑さを防ぐための効率的なデータ構造を作成します。たぶん、位置やグラデーションで線を並べ替えます。


j|   |k




for (Line i = lines[0]:lines[lineCount])
  for (Line j = lines[1]:lines[lineCount])
    Point ijIntersect = extendIntersect(i, j)
    if (ijIntersect == NULL || onLine(ijIntersect, i) || onLine(ijIntersect, j))
    for (Line k = lines[2]:lines[lineCount])
      Point ikIntersect = extendIntersect(i, k)
      if (ikIntersect == NULL || onLine(ikIntersect, i) || onLine(ikIntersect, k) ||
          onSameSide(ijIntersect, ikIntersect, i)) continue
      for (Line l = lines[3]:lines[lineCount])
        Point jlIntersect = extendIntersect(j, l)
        Point klIntersect = extendIntersect(k, l)
        if (jlIntersect == NULL || onLine(jlIntersect, j) || onLine(jlIntersect, l) ||
            klIntersect == NULL || onLine(klIntersect, k) || onLine(klIntersect, l) ||
            onSameSide(jlIntersect, ijIntersect, j) ||
            onSameSide(klIntersect, ikIntersect, k)) continue
        printQuad(ijIntersect, ikIntersect, klIntersect, jlIntersect)

Drew Noakesが提案したような、ある種のエラーチェックも良い考えかもしれません。

于 2012-12-31T11:15:02.063 に答える




  • 線分をほぼ「水平」または「垂直」にグループ化します。
  • 「水平」または「垂直」のペアを作成します。
  • ペアをフィルタリングします。たとえば、それらが接触しているか交差しているか。
  • 2つの「水平」セグメントと2つの「垂直」セグメントの組み合わせを作成します。
  • 候補クワッドをフィルタリングします。たとえば、コーナーが画像の外側にある場合、またはセグメントがクワッド上にない場合。


アニメーションGIFを参照してください:https ://ibb.co/4Rv9rJW ここに画像の説明を入力してください

コード:https ://pastiebin.com/5f3836269f7e5

#!/usr/bin/env python

Find Quads:

For a set of line segments, find all the possible
quadrilateral shapes where the segments fit
inside the edges of the quad.

Sympy is used for geometry primitives.
sudo pip install sympy

import numpy as np
import cv2
import itertools # combinations, product
from sympy import Point, Line, Segment, convex_hull
import sys

input_image = cv2.imread("detected_lines.jpg")


def checkPointInImage(point, image_width, image_height):
    Check if a Sympy Point2D is within the bounds of an OpenCV image.
    pt_x = int(round(point.x))
    pt_y = int(round(point.y))
    if (pt_x >= 0) and (pt_x < image_width) and (pt_y >= 0) and (pt_y < image_height):
        return True
    # Point is outside the image boundary
    return False

def checkPointsInImage(points, image_width, image_height):
    Check if a set of Sympy Point2D are all within the bounds of an OpenCV image.
    for point in points:
        if not checkPointInImage(point, image_width, image_height):
            return False
    # All points are within the image boundary
    return True

def getUniquePairs(segments, image_dims):
    Get all the possible pairs of line segments.
    (the unique combinations of 2 lines)
    Note: this doesn't check for duplicate elements, it works
    only on the position in the list.

    # Check that a pair of segments are not intersecting
    check_segments_dont_intersect = True

    # Check that the endpoint of one segment
    # does not touch the other segment (within 10 pixels)
    check_segment_endpoints = True
    endpoint_min_separation = 10

    # Project the segments and check if the intersection
    # point is within the image
    check_projected_segments_dont_intersect = True

    pairs = list(itertools.combinations(segments, 2)) # a list of tuple

    image_width, image_height = image_dims

    filtered_pairs = []
    for pair in pairs:
        segment1 = pair[0]
        segment2 = pair[1]

        if check_segments_dont_intersect:
            if bool(len(segment1.intersection(segment2))):
                # Discard this pair.
                # The pair of segments intersect each other.

        if check_segment_endpoints or check_projected_segments_dont_intersect:
            line1 = Line(segment1)
            line2 = Line(segment2)
            intersection_points = line1.intersection(line2)
            intersects = bool(len(intersection_points))

            if intersects:
                intersection_point = intersection_points[0]

                if check_segment_endpoints:
            # Measure the distance from the endpoint of each segment
                    # to the intersection point.
                    d1 = float(segment1.points[0].distance(intersection_point))
                    d2 = float(segment1.points[1].distance(intersection_point))
                    d3 = float(segment2.points[0].distance(intersection_point))
                    d4 = float(segment2.points[1].distance(intersection_point))
                    d = np.array([d1,d2,d3,d4]) 
                    if (d < float(endpoint_min_separation)).any():
                        # Discard this pair.
                        # One segment is (almost) touching the other.

                if check_projected_segments_dont_intersect:
                    if checkPointInImage(intersection_point, image_width, image_height):
                        # Discard this pair.
                        # After projecting the segments as lines,
                        # they intersect somewhere on the image.


    return filtered_pairs

def getCombinationsOfTwoLists(list1, list2):
    For two sets of Line Segment pairs,
    generate all possible combinations.
    return list(itertools.product(list1, list2))

def getIntersectionLineSegments(segment1, segment2):
    Find the intersection of two line segments,
    by extending them into infinite lines.
    line1 = Line(segment1)
    line2 = Line(segment2)
    intersection_points = line1.intersection(line2)
    intersects = bool(len(intersection_points))
    if intersects:
        intersection_point = intersection_points[0]
        return intersection_point
    # Error, lines do not intersect
    print("WARNING: Horizontal and vertical line segments do not intersect.")
    print("This should not happen!")
    return None

def checkLineSegmentIsAbove(segment1, segment2):
    Check if one line segment is above the other.
    (this assumes the segments are not intersecting)

    # In image coordinates, (+x,+y) is bottom-right corner.
    if (segment1.points[0].y > segment2.points[0].y): return False
    if (segment1.points[0].y > segment2.points[1].y): return False
    if (segment1.points[1].y > segment2.points[0].y): return False
    if (segment1.points[1].y > segment2.points[1].y): return False

    return True

def checkLineSegmentOnLeft(segment1, segment2):
    Check if one line segment is on the left side of the other.
    (this assumes the segments are not intersecting)

    # In image coordinates, (+x,+y) is bottom-right corner.
    if (segment1.points[0].x > segment2.points[0].x): return False
    if (segment1.points[0].x > segment2.points[1].x): return False
    if (segment1.points[1].x > segment2.points[0].x): return False
    if (segment1.points[1].x > segment2.points[1].x): return False

    return True

def getConvexIntersectionPoints_method2(horizontal_segment1, horizontal_segment2, vertical_segment1, vertical_segment2):
    For two pairs of line segments, treat them as
    infinite lines and find the intersection points.

    These 4 points are in a clockwise order that
    represents a convex quadrilateral.

    # Sort the segments in clockwise order
    top_segment = None
    right_segment = None
    bottom_segment = None
    left_segment = None
    if checkLineSegmentIsAbove(horizontal_segment1, horizontal_segment2):
        top_segment = horizontal_segment1
        bottom_segment = horizontal_segment2
        top_segment = horizontal_segment2
        bottom_segment = horizontal_segment1
    if checkLineSegmentOnLeft(vertical_segment1, vertical_segment2):
        left_segment = vertical_segment1
        right_segment = vertical_segment2
        left_segment = vertical_segment2
        right_segment = vertical_segment1

    corner_pt1 = getIntersectionLineSegments(left_segment, top_segment)
    corner_pt2 = getIntersectionLineSegments(top_segment, right_segment)
    corner_pt3 = getIntersectionLineSegments(right_segment, bottom_segment)
    corner_pt4 = getIntersectionLineSegments(bottom_segment, left_segment)

    quad_points = [corner_pt1, corner_pt2, corner_pt3, corner_pt4]
    sorted_segments = [top_segment, right_segment, bottom_segment, left_segment]

    return (quad_points, sorted_segments)

def checkSegmentsOnQuad_method2(sorted_segments, corners):
    Check if all 4 line segments are within
    the edges of a quadrilateral.

    This assumes that the inputs are already matched.

    if (len(sorted_segments) != 4) or (len(corners) != 4):
       print("ERROR: Expected 4 segments and 4 corners in checkSegmentsOnQuad_method2()")

    # Get the 4 edges
    edges = []
    for i in range(3):
        p1 = corners[i]
        p2 = corners[i+1]
        edges.append(Segment(p1, p2))
    p1 = corners[3]
    p2 = corners[0]
    edges.append(Segment(p1, p2))

    for i in range(4):
        if not edges[i].contains(sorted_segments[i]):
            return False
    return True

def getQuads(sets_of_four_segments, image_dims):
    Find quadrilateral shapes.

    image_width, image_height = image_dims

    quads = []
    for i in range(len(sets_of_four_segments)):

        # Determine if 4 line segments represent
        # a valid quadrilateral shape:

        segments = sets_of_four_segments[i]
        horizontal_segment1 = segments[0][0]
        horizontal_segment2 = segments[0][1]
        vertical_segment1 = segments[1][0]
        vertical_segment2 = segments[1][1]

        quad_points, sorted_segments = getConvexIntersectionPoints_method2(horizontal_segment1, horizontal_segment2, vertical_segment1, vertical_segment2)

        if not checkPointsInImage(quad_points, image_width, image_height):
            print("  Bad quad, an intersection point (one corner of the quad) is outside image!")

            # Save debug image
            img = np.copy(input_image)
            drawCrosshairs(img, quad_points)
            drawQuad(img, quad_points)
            suffix = str(i).zfill(2)
            cv2.imwrite("candidate_quad_"+suffix+".jpg", img)

            # Discard this quad.
            # A corner point is outside the image boundary.

        # Check if each line segment is within one side of the quad.
        #  - The segments can not intersect each other.
        #  - The end of a segment can not extend out past the quad.
        #  - All segments must be contained within one edge of the shape.
        if checkSegmentsOnQuad_method2(sorted_segments, quad_points):
            print("  Good")
            print("  Bad quad, a line segment is not within the quad")

        # Save debug image
        img = np.copy(input_image)
        drawCrosshairs(img, quad_points)
        drawQuad(img, quad_points)
        suffix = str(i).zfill(2)
        cv2.imwrite("candidate_quad_"+suffix+".jpg", img)
        #cv2.imshow("Quad corners", img)

    return quads


# Drawing functions:

def drawSegment(image, segment, color):
    Draw a Sympy Line Segment on an OpenCV image.
    thickness = 2
    x1 = int(segment.points[0].x) # should already be int
    y1 = int(segment.points[0].y)
    x2 = int(segment.points[1].x)
    y2 = int(segment.points[1].y)
    cv2.line(image, (x1,y1), (x2,y2), color, thickness)

def drawSegments(image, segments, color=(0,0,255)):
    Draw lines on an OpenCV image.

    Default color is red.
    for segment in segments:
        drawSegment(image, segment, color)

def drawCrosshair(image, point):
    Draw a Sympy Point2D on an OpenCV image
    with a cross marker.
    pt_x = int(round(point.x))
    pt_y = int(round(point.y))
    length = 5
    thickness = 2
    color = (255,0,255) # magenta
    cv2.line(image, (pt_x, pt_y-length), (pt_x, pt_y+length), color, thickness)
    cv2.line(image, (pt_x-length, pt_y), (pt_x+length, pt_y), color, thickness)

def drawCrosshairs(image, points):
    Draw marks on an OpenCV image.
    for point in points:
        drawCrosshair(image, point)

def drawQuad(image, corners, color=(0,255,0)):
    Draw a quadrilateral shape.
    The 4 corner points are Sympy Point2D.
    for i in range(len(corners)-1):
        p1 = corners[i]
        p2 = corners[i+1]
        segment = Segment(p1, p2)
        drawSegment(image, segment, color)
    # Close the polygon
    p1 = corners[len(corners)-1]
    p2 = corners[0]
    segment = Segment(p1, p2)
    drawSegment(image, segment, color)


if input_image == None:
    print("ERROR: Can't find input image")

#cv2.imshow("input_image", input_image)

# Line segments sample data
segment1  = Segment(Point(335,120), Point(517,144))
segment2  = Segment(Point(287, 604), Point(558, 619))
segment3  = Segment(Point(323, 131), Point(275, 587))
segment4  = Segment(Point(589, 473), Point(580, 606))
segment5  = Segment(Point(368, 39), Point(489, 108))
segment6  = Segment(Point(53, 286), Point(293, 406))
segment7  = Segment(Point(299, 347), Point(214, 538))
segment8  = Segment(Point(200, 370), Point(149, 528))
segment9  = Segment(Point(6, 446), Point(68, 449))
segment10 = Segment(Point(66, 444), Point(150, 525))
segment11 = Segment(Point(389, 514), Point(518, 644))
segments = [segment1, segment2, segment3, segment4, segment5, segment6, segment7, segment8, segment9, segment10, segment11]

image_width = input_image.shape[1]
image_height = input_image.shape[0]
image_dims = (image_width, image_height)

input_image_with_segments = np.copy(input_image)
drawSegments(input_image_with_segments, segments)
cv2.imshow("input_image_with_segments", input_image_with_segments)

# Sort the line segments into 2 groups:
horizontal_segments = []
vertical_segments   = []
image_width = input_image.shape[1]
x_axis = Line((0, 0), (image_width, 0))
for segment in segments:
    # Compute the angle of each line segment.
    # Angle is w.r.t. the top edge of the image
    # in a clockwise direction.
    angle = float(x_axis.angle_between(segment))

    # Check 315 to 360 degrees
    if (angle >= 2.0*np.pi-np.pi/4.0) and (angle <= 2.0*np.pi):
    # Check 0 to 45 degrees
    elif (angle >= 0.0) and (angle < np.pi/4.0):
    # Check 135 to 225 degrees
    elif (angle > np.pi-np.pi/4.0) and (angle < np.pi+np.pi/4.0):

# Save debug images
input_image_with_horizontal_segments = np.copy(input_image)
drawSegments(input_image_with_horizontal_segments, horizontal_segments)
cv2.imwrite("segments_horizontal.jpg", input_image_with_horizontal_segments)
input_image_with_vertical_segments = np.copy(input_image)
drawSegments(input_image_with_vertical_segments, vertical_segments)
cv2.imwrite("segments_vertical.jpg", input_image_with_vertical_segments)

# Get all the possible pairs of horizontal line segments:
pairs_of_horizontal_line_segments = getUniquePairs(horizontal_segments, image_dims)
print("Got %d pairs of horizontal line segments" % len(pairs_of_horizontal_line_segments)) # 15 pairs, 10 after filtering

# Get all the pairs of vertical line segments:
pairs_of_vertical_line_segments = getUniquePairs(vertical_segments, image_dims)
print("Got %d pairs of vertical line segments" % len(pairs_of_vertical_line_segments)) # 10 pairs, 6 after filtering

# Save debug images
for i in range(len(pairs_of_horizontal_line_segments)):
    pair = pairs_of_horizontal_line_segments[i]
    segments = [pair[0], pair[1]]
    img = np.copy(input_image)
    drawSegments(img, segments)
    suffix = str(i).zfill(2)
    cv2.imwrite("segment_pairs_horizontal_"+suffix+".jpg", img)
    #cv2.imshow("Pair of segments", img)
for i in range(len(pairs_of_vertical_line_segments)):
    pair = pairs_of_vertical_line_segments[i]
    segments = [pair[0], pair[1]]
    img = np.copy(input_image)
    drawSegments(img, segments)
    suffix = str(i).zfill(2)
    cv2.imwrite("segment_pairs_vertical_"+suffix+".jpg", img)
    #cv2.imshow("Pair of segments", img)

# Get all combinations of 4 line segments:
sets_of_four_line_segments = getCombinationsOfTwoLists(pairs_of_horizontal_line_segments, pairs_of_vertical_line_segments)
print("Got %d potential quadrilaterals" % len(sets_of_four_line_segments)) # = 60

# Find the valid quadrilateral shapes:
quads = getQuads(sets_of_four_line_segments, image_dims)
print("Got %d valid quads" % len(quads))
for i in range(len(quads)):
    img = np.copy(input_image)
    drawQuad(img, quads[i])

    # Save result images
    suffix = str(i).zfill(2)
    cv2.imwrite("quad_"+suffix+".jpg", img)

    title = "Candidate Quad " + str(i)
    cv2.imshow(title, img)
于 2020-08-15T19:30:40.620 に答える